This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit
missing the book of the future or get writing?
fluffykerfuffle Started conversation Jan 20, 2011
try this wonderful machine!! The Wayback Machine
and a few teasers*/
i ran my cursor over links on the pages to get subsequent addresses
or have you already heard about the wayback machine?
missing the book of the future or get writing?
Titania (gone for lunch) Posted Jan 20, 2011
Yep, I've sometimes used it to look at what my user page looked like before the BBC took over, when we were allowed to use any picture of our choice.
Very handy for all sorts of things, really.
missing the book of the future or get writing?
fluffykerfuffle Posted Jan 20, 2011
i would imagine!
if i had enuf of a history i guess i could use it on mine too
but when i ran it it didnt show me at all...
i had a pretty fancy ps in the first flush of getting here in 07
tons of
missing the book of the future or get writing?
Chris Morris Posted Jan 20, 2011
Well, how nice to see that again; especially as some of the conversation threads are accessible as well. Wouldn't it be nice, now the redesign is (almost?) out of the way someone could fix it so that Book of the Future became visible again...
missing the book of the future or get writing?
Ancient Brit Posted Jan 20, 2011
Hi Cris - Yes it would be great if some of our h2g2 techies exploited some of the BBC facilities in a way that enhanced the new capitalised H2G2. - Pinch a few pics for example. Customise BBC search, the mind boggles.
Ancient Brit
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missing the book of the future or get writing?
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