This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit
Migrating Communities?
Peta Started conversation Apr 13, 2005
Hi AB,
" It's interesting to see the different way that specific areas of the BBCi community are being 'sheperded' around. . Mustardlanders are being openly invited but I got into trouble for smuggling in an illegal immigrant from another area."
No, your posts were removed because a member of the community complained about them. That's not the same thing at all.
As I said to you, I would prefer that they didn't all migrate over before we're ready for them, because a lot of policy decisions are yet to be made, but there's nothing we can do if they do. I've been pointing this out to some senior people here for months now, and this is actually rather fulfilling my prophecy, so I'm watching with rather a 'told you so' face on at the moment!
Anyway I hope it all does sort in the end. I'm sure it will, one way or another.
Migrating Communities?
Ancient Brit Posted Apr 14, 2005
Peta. Point taken.
Just wish that I had been bright enought to put my message to a collective P.O.V audience as Peet has done with the Mustardlanders. There's safety in numbers.
I hope that your 'told you so' face has a smile on it. Mine will have when DNA unites the community and the snowflake becomes a blizzard albeit under a guise other than h2g2. How about b2c2 (British Broadcasting Corporation Communication.)
Stay on top - Ancient Brit
Migrating Communities?
Peta Posted Apr 14, 2005
Peet is a long term member of the Archers board, Keri the host knows him well. He's trying to help his fellow Mustardland members, rather than being led by 'alternative' motives.
As I've said, I think our motives are very similar at the end of the day, but I'm taking into account timing, staffing levels and future resources.. I'd really appreciate it if you don't take it upon yourself to 'do a Peet' in another area, because I can't guarantee to have the people here to sort the ensuing issues. A lot of people could get really p**sed off, which would put them off DNA rather than benefit it. I'd prefer to take a slightly slower approach, and move the boards one by one when we're ready for them, without prematurely forcing the issues upon them, and the internal teams here.
We will get there in the end, we're all trying incredibly hard to! Take care, it'll grow, just not too much fertilizer at once though, or we'll all end up in the ....
Migrating Communities?
Ancient Brit Posted Apr 14, 2005
Peet is doing a grand job.
Have no fear as far as I am concerned it's a case of once bitten twice shy.
Migrating Communities?
Ancient Brit Posted Apr 22, 2005
Migrating Communities and DNA Message Boards.
A new look Front Page - F615?thread=628583&post=6928466#p6928466
A Film -
and h2g2 on your Moblie -
All we need is for the BBC to do a programme putting them all together and we could have a blizzard.
Ancient Brit.
Migrating Communities?
Whisky Posted Apr 22, 2005
Looking at the number of new users over the last couple of days I'd say we were already in the middle of a blizzard...
You should see the Aces desperately trying to get around to welcoming all the newbies!
Migrating Communities?
Ancient Brit Posted Apr 23, 2005
Glad you dropped in Whisky.
Are they all newbies or just Message Boarders passing time until their Boards are DNA'd.
Migrating Communities?
Whisky Posted Apr 25, 2005
Playing with the options on the newusers page actually tells you where people signed up - there may be a few mustardlanders in their, but if anyone signed up for any of the other sites (POV etc.) they can be made to disappear from the hootoo list.
Migrating Communities?
Ancient Brit Posted Apr 25, 2005
On occasion I have gone to the bother of finding which site a member signed up to. My real interest is in the make up of the whole BBCi(internet) membership. I don't understand why this information is not available.
This post - F1951572?thread=559296&skip=0&show=20#p6408661 - may be a bit overdemanding but the request in the last paragraph doesn't seem to me to be too unreasonable.
Migrating Communities?
Whisky Posted Apr 25, 2005
Hmm, the beeb have always been a little retiscent about revealing online browsing statistics... I don't think you'll have a lot of luck getting the official versions out of them, but there have been a couple of unofficial statistical surveys done on hootoo to come up with user numbers. I'll try and dig out a couple of links.
Migrating Communities?
Whisky Posted Apr 25, 2005
Just realised where I'm posting to...
Sorry if this seems like I'm intruding AB... I found this conversation on Peta's page and was being nosy
Migrating Communities?
Ancient Brit Posted Apr 25, 2005
Crossed posting. No problem Whisky.
Would accept your invitation to join you for a drink in London, but I'm too far North.
Key: Complain about this post
Migrating Communities?
- 1: Peta (Apr 13, 2005)
- 2: Ancient Brit (Apr 14, 2005)
- 3: Peta (Apr 14, 2005)
- 4: Ancient Brit (Apr 14, 2005)
- 5: Ancient Brit (Apr 22, 2005)
- 6: Whisky (Apr 22, 2005)
- 7: Ancient Brit (Apr 23, 2005)
- 8: Whisky (Apr 25, 2005)
- 9: Ancient Brit (Apr 25, 2005)
- 10: Whisky (Apr 25, 2005)
- 11: Whisky (Apr 25, 2005)
- 12: Ancient Brit (Apr 25, 2005)
- 13: Ancient Brit (Apr 25, 2005)
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