This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit

Hiya Ancient Brit

Post 1

Lou, (Listy) Not around too much, don't be offended if I don't reply.. I'LL TRY!

Hi! I don't know if you really know me but I'm Lou, I've been chatting to Tommy (bless him) and I've been bumping into you on conversations for the past few months. Just thought I'd send you a message to say Hi - I seem to remember we got off on a bad start and a conversation of yours has Tommy saying you were flippant.... I don't really remember that but still smiley - tongueout
See you soon on another conversation
smiley - rose
Lou xxxxx

Hiya Ancient Brit

Post 2

Ancient Brit

I've seen you around Lou
Glad you visited my space.
You and Tommy seem to get on well.
You should go over to his space and talk.smiley - ok

Hiya Ancient Brit

Post 3

Ancient Brit

Had a look around your space. I see most of your recent postings are made to h2g2. If you think I can help post on this conversation. I'll keep subscribed smiley - ok
If you haven't already done so take the tour.
If you get a vist from an Ace or Guru. Take note of what they say.

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