This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit
ancient brit
rowan Started conversation Dec 12, 2002
Hi Ancient Brit
Welcome to Collective, I hope you're finding your way around. I'm the community host so if you've got any problems then feel free to come over to my space and yell. If you're looking for interesting places to head on Collective then maybe I can suggest a few:
- If you have anything that you want to talk about then head for 'talk' (A823934) where you can ask anything really. There are quite a few conversations there so it's a good place to go to.
- If you want to look at our current content then the front pages link to our current content. They have links on the left hand side - music A809804, film A808922 etc... You can also browse the archive for all our previous content. The link for that's under the search box above and aswell as editorials we've got loads of stuff like full audio tracks and interviews (C958).
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ancient brit
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