This is the Message Centre for Ancient Brit
hi ya
weegie Started conversation Jul 26, 2002
Hi ya,
I just thought i'd come over and say hello. I hope you won't be put off coming back and contributing to threads. Sometimes we forget just how much communication is done through body language and there are as many people as there are intpretations on what you write - we're always doing it.
i must confess i didn't understand half of your argument (if indeed there was an argument there at all) but if i fell out with everybody that disagreed with me, i'd be very lonely.
i just hope you'll get more involved - this place is pretty cool and the people here are generally cool as well and we're always fighting ... i mean discussing over things.
Anyway, welcome
hi ya
Ancient Brit Posted Jul 29, 2002
Thank you for dropping in W****E. Sorry I was away from 'My Space'
I appreciate your concern regarding my first efforts to talk. I'm a little concerned myself. Not bad when someone gets moderated in your first conversation.
The researcher living in Canada and that Strange man rather annoy me but us oldies can be a bit cantankerous now and then. Xanatic seems ok but time will tell, I may make direct contact someday. Direct contact is much better because as you see conversations can easily be converted to ones own needs. In fact I think that in the right context converse and convert are synonyms.
I was maybe wrong to use the 'Talk' button in this experimental way, but I have 'Looked around' and now need to learn to talk before I walk.
Before I go back to the conversation I am going to add a bit to 'My Space' and do a litte research. I intend to get involved.
Thanks again for dropping in. Feel free to call again I'll be glad on any advice/help you can give me over my learning curve.
I've now got your number. Will call on you at my earliest convenience.
Ancient Brit...
hi ya
weegie Posted Aug 1, 2002
I took your advice and came over to see your 'new and improved' personal space .... mmmm.... you're quite analytical aren't you?
I'm concerned your'e not enjoying yourself over here. You could give me a complex . I've not normally got the time, or indeed the inclination to get heavily involved in conversations, but my work slackens off during the summer (giving me more time to fanny about in here) and ID cards are something i feel strongly about, so i've been contriubting more than usual. i'm just a bit concerned that you're concerned.
This place is generally quite relaxed. conversations are quite straight-forward, you reply to the last post, or you mention in your post what bit of the conversation you're referrring to. i guess we all forget what it's like to be new here and figuring all the who's talking now thing.
"they give themselves out of space names yet stick firmly to their earthly experiences and refuse to accept the opportunity they have been given to start again."
I'm curious - what do you mean?
personal space are the best way to get to know people, if they put some information on it (i like to remain enegmatic )
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 1, 2002
I am happy W****E don't take too much notice of me with regard to ID Cards. The whole episode is an experiment for me. I am pretty old to be dabbling with this sort of thing.
Your space is less revealing than mine. I guess you are a young girl, young that is relative to me.
I chose the nick name Ancient Brit because when I registered I didn't know what I would find. Its a name that I fits me in the real world and one that I can easily play out in the imaginary galaxy of h2g2.
I even chose ID cards as my maiden conversation because the first thing that h2g2 required of me was an identity. The trouble is the subject is too real. As I have tried to say an ID is vital to existance in any world no matter where it is. Those joining the conversation will not let go and think how they entered the world or what they would do if they had a fresh start. I'm even past the stage where I ask myself what would I do if I had my time to come over again. Go back to posting 267 and think about it.
You're only as old as the women you feel
weegie Posted Aug 2, 2002
a naturual curmudgeon .... i like that
i don't think anyone (or at least i certainly wasn't) disagreeing with you that identity is something vital to the human condition (self identity, national identity, self worth etc). there's a huge philosphical debate to be had about what is identity? but that wasn't the question asked, or the conversation had.
you say alot of things, without necessarily explaining it - or is that me being particularly thick? I'm interested on what you meant by: "In its course I have learned quite a bit about some of the friendly researchers who stick to their human frailties like s**t to a blanket" i can't remember what post you said it in. but what did you mean? please be open and frank. better people than you have tried to offend or insult me. its quite hard to do. are human frailties something to be ashamed of?
"I'm even past the stage where I ask myself what would I do if I had my time to come over again."
i'm interested - is there anything you'd do differently? anything you'd change? i can quite honestly say i dont have regrets about anything. so far, i haven't led a particularly conventional life, but everything i've done in my life, good and bad has led me to this point in my life - if i hadn't done A i wouldn't have gotten to J (i've not reached Z yet ) i'm happy to be here, where i am, i know i still have things to work out, but that's part of the fun - the journey (oh you must excuse me, i got a bit ophra winfrey there
take care, i'm off on my holybobs for a week
You're only as old as the women you feel
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 4, 2002
You can get my view on on line conversations from.:- Curmudgeon. I'm not too sure about - Ancient Brit says it all. Your subject heading invites comment. You could put an adjective or two in front of that. I am no philosopher just and an old fella with set views and many experiences. Good and bad. Glad you are happy to look forward I an my turn have many happy memories. My wife and I celebrate our Golden wedding in a week or two. Don't give too much credence to The ID Card Conversation . a lot of the things I said were said to try and get people to think, after all h2g2 is an imaginary situation I just couldn't get people to enter it. "friendly researchers who stick to their human frailties like s**t to a blanket' was sarcastic in that most researches demanded that I should explain or defend my view simply because they objected to them. A real life situation, I hadn't the slightest wish to win them over. No one could see that if ID cards had been properly introduced years ago a lot of the problems that exist today that relate to identity recognition would never have arisen. We shall get ID Cards whether we want them or not. I just hope that they are introduced sensibly and effectively. In any event in my experience there are more people who want to see ID Cards introduced than there are objectors. As I have said h2g2 to me is an imaginary situation in which you need to act a part. The part I play in real life is an Ancient Brit. I have hitched a lift late in life and I aim to play that part in the Galaxy. I don't want to be anybody else, just myself in a whole new environment. Enjoy your Hols.
You're only as old as the women you feel
Tefkat Posted Aug 6, 2002
AB dear, this IS an imaginary place where you can act as many parts as you wish but it is also a place where you can be totally honest and let down all your barriers and people don't run screaming from the .
A reasonable proportion of the people who haunt this place are shy and tongue-tied IRL and would never have the confidence to argue their case even for things they feel strongly about - but are able to participate in discussions here because even when they become extremely heated no-one falls out with each other over them (or, I should say, 'very few people'. There have been some quite memorable exceptions ).
You'll probably keep bumping into the same people over and over again. Sometimes their views will correspond with yours and sometimes they will be diametrically opposed. That's life really. Good thing to. 'twould be utterly boring otherwise.
I think SuePlusArt may have come over to greet you because there aren't really all that many of us old'uns here.
They often 'talk' like that. It had me a bit confused at first - but they don't actually mean owt by it. They're really a pair of very nice old dears *Ducks and runs in a zig-zag pattern, looking over shoulder for SPA*
(If SPA happen to read this the cat would like to point out that it's not often an auld granny of her advanced years gets the opportunity to call anyone 'old dears' )
Oldies Conventionl
Ancient Brit Posted Aug 7, 2002
Thanks Tefkat - You really are a peace maker.
Us oldies recognise that soap boxes, chips on shoulders and people on your back are all part of life.
The older you are the bigger the boxes and chips and I have always given people on my back a shrug.
I have a happy and satisfactory life that runs in parallel with my hike into the imaginary world of h2g2. I would like to keep them both seperate. Unfortunately I have to learn the attitudes and mannerisms of the occupants of h2g2 in order to enjoy it. I'm Learning.
The newbie is nearing puberty and looking forward to becoming a teenager. I can then assume the real identity of an Ancient Brit in h2g2.
Take me to your leader
By the way I think I'll enter a conversation for 'Dictionary of Acronyms in h2gs' unless you tell me there already is one. Your little bit in code leaves me cold. This coupled with people pressing the first handy button gets up my nose. (as you've no doubt gathered.
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hi ya
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