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owlatronas Started conversation Jul 17, 2002
welcome jenny i've just been reading ur personal space . so ur a big sonic fan i used to have sega game gear but i've moved on to the ps one which i have about forty games so i dont c the point in getting a ps2 what games do you enjoy apart from sonic ?
the owl
Jenny_Tablina Posted Jul 26, 2002
well Im ok with mario and anime type games (the cutesy stuff not things like DBZ) though not anything super cute and girly (barbie games ugh!)and the odd puzzle game and those dancing games (as long as it somes with a dance mat!)
to put it simply if it's animated on a par with disney animation and the music rocks I'll play it
Jenny_Tablina Posted Jul 26, 2002
I like most disney movies, always been a big fan of their movies (bar one or two)
Because of that I wish to become an animator when Im older and work for disney myself
This be my art ::shameless plug:: feel free to comment on it
owlatronas Posted Jul 26, 2002
i hope u do well with ur future career as an animator
i will not be able to visit ur site as the computer i am using has been barred for general internet surfing but im sure they are great
the owl
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