This is the Message Centre for aonemantidalwave

Oh dear

Post 1


Well, it's obvious from today's postings that all in not well in the Tidalwave world smiley - hug. Hope that your world will be a brighter place tomorrow - this from someone who on Monday told her co-workers to "smiley - bleep off the lot of you, I'm smiley - bleeping fed up with you all, it's worse than dealing with smiley - bleeping kids"...cue stunned silence from 3 builder type chappies...smiley - biggrin

Whatever ails you WILL pass, or the hurt will lessen - trust me. Have another smiley - hug and if you want to take a pop at someone come round to my space and we can drop kick some cute furry animals!


Oh dear

Post 2


Hey El!
Yeah, things ain't great here to be honest with you. It looks like I'm the talk of the town with my outburst yesterday too.
Thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate it.
May well drop round in a bit for a spot of animal kicking!

Oh dear

Post 3


Here's a couple to be going on with smiley - mousesmiley - bunny .... I'm just waiting for the first singing Santa/reindeer/pope/angel to appear in the office along with the Christmas decorations - I'm going to take great pleasure in punting it! smiley - devil

Oh dear

Post 4


Thanks, *kicks rabbits face off*
No xmas decs in this office man, I'll tell you that. The Boss is a TOTAL Scrooge wannabe. He hates Xmas and doesn't mind who knows it! I'm not bothered though, not a big fan myself. All that forced merriment.

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