This is the Message Centre for Ted (known for leaving incredibly long postings), The Cynic
Ste Started conversation Nov 6, 2002
"Hi, Ste! You are the MOST RECENT conversation entry I've seen so far. Drop me a line @ my p. space and tell me howya doin'!"
What, like from the info page? I'm a bit puzzled as to what you mean but I'd thought I'd drop by and say hello anyway.
Oh, I'm doing fine, having a very productive day at work, how about you?
Ted (known for leaving incredibly long postings), The Cynic Posted Nov 13, 2002
Sorry 'bout that. As my (new) nickname might imply, I can be quite...random. Thanks for responding to my for attention. My favorite thing about the site is the speed at which conversations can take place (although sometimes trying to coordinate schedules is a bit like playing "phone tag"). Hope that clears that up.
Ted (known for leaving incredibly long postings), The Cynic Posted Nov 13, 2002
Wait a minute...You're posting from work?
Ste Posted Nov 13, 2002
Me? Posting from work? *eyes dart from side to side shiftily* No! I would never surf h2g2 whilst being paid. How dare you! *cough*
Ah right, randomness. Excellent. I approve. Yeah, this place can move too fast sometimes
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