This is the Message Centre for An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

Hi, Jello!

Post 1

Pete *not quite dead yet*

*grin* Cool Name.

Was just wandering about and thought I'd say hi.. and offer you a cuppa smiley - tea or perhaps some smiley - coffee. Name's Peter, and I'm a girl. (Why does that sound like an AA statement? smiley - laugh) Nice to meetcha!
Hope all's well!

smiley - cheers


Hi, Jello!

Post 2

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

Splendid to meet you old stick. I'm actually a character played by a researcher in a role play game thats going on at the mo'. All a bit convoluted what !

Hi, Jello!

Post 3

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - laugh
Cheers, then!
A pleasure!
A bit convoluted indeed!
-pete, giggling under her breath

Hi, Jello!

Post 4

An Earl Called Lucan-Jello

Toodle pip ! smiley - winkeye

Hi, Jello!

Post 5

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - winkeye

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