This is the Message Centre for Brain the size of a planet and you make me pick up a pencil

Hello Neighbor

Post 1


Just a quick note to say hello as we are only 2 #'s apart. And having attended school in the US can tell you that even a few decades ago we had the same martial discipline you are experiencing. I survived and can assure you that you can also. It does help to purge about it so go at it.

Hello Neighbor

Post 2

Brain the size of a planet and you make me pick up a pencil

What can I say? School is there to be suffered. Nobody ever got rich by sitting on their butts and watching TV, as far as I know anyway.

It's always nice to hear from our cousins across the pond. Keep in touch, researcher #196448.



Hello Neighbor

Post 3


Hey Cousin,
Thanks for the reply. My first day in here and I feel more comfortable already.
Ya, I know of no one who has prospered by sitting on their ass in front of their tube, although I know there are a few who have done that after they made their cash.
Thanks again for the welcome and I like the fact the Pond between us gets smaller all the time.
We should stay in touch.

Researcher #196448


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