This is the Message Centre for ChicagoDaddy-o

Hi Researcher 196448

Post 1


Hi Researcher 196448 just passing and thought I would drop in, (and if it was me I would have the day off) smiley - oksmiley - cheers
by the way if you want to change your number into a nick name that is easy for other people to remember just click on the "Preferences" button at the top of your page, if you need any more help just ask smiley - ok

Thanks Manda

Post 2



I am glad you stopped by. And for the name advice on the name. It seems to take a lot of thought when it comes to naming oneself. At some point I hope to have some interesting thoughts in my space.
Thanks Again Manda

Thanks Manda

Post 3


OKsmiley - ok
just thought I mention the name thing, only people will think that you do not know how to do it (like I did) and will keep pestering you (with good intentions of course)

take your time on your page there is no rush, a lot of people put a lot of things on there page and some put very little , so it is up to you what you want it to look like,

if I can be of any help just ask smiley - magic

mandasmiley - cheers

Thanks Manda

Post 4


he could always call himself procrastinator,smiley - silly
by the way, I also want to say welcome. It's not usually like this here. Usually things run pretty smoothly.- Crazy but smoothsmiley - winkeye

Thanks Shagbark

Post 5


Everything will fall into place I think. Everyone has been very helpful and encouraging.....

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