This is the Message Centre for Zim- I hate AOL


Post 1

Researcher 177704


Welcome to h2g2! I'm an ACE, and it's my job to welcome people to the site. If you have any problems, then don't hesitate to ask for help. You'll find that the people here are among the nicest, kindest people on the internet. If you want intelligent conversation, with a touch of humour, then here is the place smiley - biggrin. You can also read the guide, which is a collaborative project that never ceases to be interesting, informative and entertaining. Here's some useful info to help you get started here on h2g2 -

A725500 - My own personal links page. Here you'll find a more comprehensive list of h2g2 links.
<./>DontPanic</.> - The h2g2 Help Centre. Go here if you have a question about h2g2
<./>Welcome-Newcomers</.> - A valuable resource for newbies, who are still learning about the Guide
<./>DontPanic-Tour</.> - Why not take the h2g2 tour?

<./>Askh2g2</.> - One of the busiest corners of the site. If you ever have a question about Life, the Universe and Everything, here's the place to ask it.
<./>Smileys</.> - At h2g2, you can use many cool Smileys. Click this link, or click on a Smiley to find out how to use them smiley - smileysmiley - bluesmiley - coolsmiley - crosssmiley - stiffdrinksmiley - ufosmiley - flyhismiley - popcornsmiley - bluebutterfly
<./>ThePost</.> - The Post is h2g2's weekly newspaper. It carries articles of interest to h2g2 Researchers, and sections on the vibrant h2g2 community.

If you have any further questions about h2g2, or need some help, then don't hesitate to ask. Just click on the 'reply' button or post me a message on my personal space (U177704) and i'll respond as promptly as I can. Alternatively, you could ask one of the many ACEs, who are accessible via the Aces' home page.

So what do you think of this little old place?
smiley - rocket

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