This is the Message Centre for Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

Hiya !

Post 1

Sir Panther, Keeper of Webthingz / Downloadz, Knight of Mystical Mathematics.

Hiya !

Welcome around here smiley - smiley
Whenever you see me just pass the smiley - fish
Otherwise go have a chat with Archangel Galaxy Babe ...

smiley - fullmoon

Hiya !

Post 2

Carnel the unstable writer/tech support

Uhm.. thanks for the welcome.. Though I think you've just managed to get me a little more confused. smiley - winkeye Care to explain exactly what you mean by "Whenever you see me just pass the smiley - fish"? Otherwise go have a chat with Archangel Galaxy Babe? Is there something here that I'm missing? Or something I should be looking for and don't know it yet?

-- Carnel

Hiya !

Post 3

Sir Panther, Keeper of Webthingz / Downloadz, Knight of Mystical Mathematics.


I as far as the smiley - fish goes - maybe you haven't noticed I'm a big kitty cat.

As for the rest go to:

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