This is the Message Centre for Melons

another welcome...

Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi melons..smiley - smiley..welcome to h2g2..liked the story of your nickname..smiley - brother..(& probably most men)..has a saying..'more than is handful is a waste'..i've got a lot of 'waste'..smiley - laugh..i'm emmily..another..ACE..there's lots of us..we're here to offer you advice & links to help you find your way around..*manda* has already offered a couple of useful links..i'll offer you a couple more..the slang used here can be a bit confusing..h2jargon explains all..@ A632431 can spice up your space..using what is available through h2g2..find out more..@ A690518
hope you ejoy yourself here..smiley - reply to this 'reply' below..

smiley - rose

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