This is the Message Centre for esoteric epigram

Want my shoes?

Post 1


Well, they are yours if you tell me that you're from another generation than your own - after all, I don't really like shoes. It's actually really strange how obsesses we're in shoes, it's much more comfortable without them. But then, today's people are worried about getting some dust on their toe-nails, meaning a whole evening of polish them once they get back home. Or perhaps they take a visit to nearest bathroom.

Strange. But if each and everyone are strange, isn't it normal then? Normal to be strange, and strange to be normal. It would be something else to be bullied for, being normal I mean. Perhaps that's fair. Or perhaps not, it'd probably be the same persons bullying the same persons as usual. A law of Nature it seems. Ahhh. I suddenly feel like doing something. Well, well - something I'll do.

Ja ne!

Want my shoes?

Post 2

esoteric epigram

infinite appologies for not spotting this sooner, i should look at my page more often. thankyou for the offer but i do not need shoes in this weather, i'm sure there is some link between barefeet and spiritual contentment. who invented shoes?

it is obviously normal to be strange, its just that human nature tends to find comfort in convention, so strangeness tends to come in sets. anyone on h2g2 claiming to be strange or mad is probably talking to dozons of people who are strange in much the same way, thats the appeal. if you wanted to be genuinly unique you'd have to do something reeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaly strange. like grow toes out of your neck or eat only pringles. but those things have probably been done hundreds of times, can we think of anything genuinly unique?

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