This is the Message Centre for esoteric epigram


Post 1

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

hi..smiley - smiley..i'll name that tune in..smiley - laugh..welcome to h2g2..i'm of the many ACEs'..(Assistant Community Editors)..we're here to offer you advice & links to help you find your way around..
have a..smiley - tea..smiley - coffee..or..smiley - ale..put your feet up..relax..&..let your fingers do the walking.. might like to change your researcher a can click..'preferences'..delete all of that..&..insert your chosen name..
you can find our welcome page..@ A53146
or hitch a ride on our tour..@ A317459
want to know about the smileys i've used here?..loads more to choose from..@ A155909
the slang here can be a bit confusing..h2jargon explains all..@ A632431
you can customise your space..using what is available through h2g2..find out more..@ A690518
2..ACEs'..have created hints & links for new researchers..Feisors'..@ A719840 or..Rocket Mans'..@ A745887
hope you enjoy yourself here..smiley - reply to this post..simply click 'reply' below..

smiley - rose


Post 2

esoteric epigram

hi emmily, thanks for the welcome. i already did the first two things you recomend you do though i suppose i should probably put more on my page than just la, might get round to that later along with following some of those links. see you around



Post 3

Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream

thanks for replying..hope your finding your way around..smiley -'s entirely up to you..what you put in your space..i think most people get ideas from visiting other peoples spaces..everything you see on anyones space is through h2g2..mine hasn't got anything 'fancy' on it.. some are really good..smiley - wow..

smiley - rose

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