This is the Message Centre for Photoguy


Post 1

David R. Litwin

Greeting from A. C. E. Presently. I would, on behalf of the entire H2G2 community, like to humbally welcome you to H2G2. The A. C. E.'s are a buch of persons who go around helping others and greeting newbies (such as yourself). So, I say, greetings! Take a humble bow with lots of hand-gestures! Alright.

Well, you seem to not have put any thing on your introduction page, so, perhaps that would be a good start. If you'r not too sure what to do or how to do it, simply go on and ask by clicking on the reply button at the bottom of this text, typing your mesage then pushing Post Message.

I'll give you some links that you can use to get to know the site. They are the following. They are also ammoozing.

A35146 ; The Welcoem Page.
A639056 ; The Anouncements Page.
A725672 ; The H2G2 Post.
A789140 ; A Help Entry designed for Newbies written by a fellow A. C. E., Feisor.
A219638 ; The Don't Panic Help Centre; that just about explains it.
A185231 ; My own Personal Space, or, you can simply click my name. It might give you incentive to, umm, well, to be! smiley - erm

Ok. THere you have it. So, if you need anything, just holler!


Post 2

David R. Litwin

Sorry, the link to my Personal Space is infact U185231. We all makes mistakes; even those chosen specifically becasue they don't do it too often. smiley - smiley


Post 3

David R. Litwin

Or, maybe, I've had too much smiley - ale. Ug. The page desinged by Feisor is actually at A719840. Sorry again. I think I'm smiley - drunk.


Post 4


Thank you kindly for your offer of help. I was just in the process of being creative and setting something up for my home page while you were offering. I just finished Salmon of Doubt and started going through it to find some of the websites and came across this one. I think is a marvelous thing that has been created here and I look forward to much more exploring. Thanks again and I hope we meet somewhere in the Universe again.



Post 5

David R. Litwin

Sorry, I'm not familliar at all with Salmon of Doubt. Is the H2G2 URL in it?


Post 6


Yes it is. Many times in fact. It is a brand new book just released here last week I think. It is a collection of interviews, contributions to h2g2, stories of his life, intros to events, speaches he gave, short stories that never made it to print and what was going to be the third book to Dirk Gently but never quite was. His publisher, wife, editor etc. found this stuff on his hard drive and put it all together. The Dirk Gently bit is at the end and is made up of many different chapters he was working on edited as best as they could into a coherent story. It is a wonderfull book and I think a great tribute to DNA. Hopefully you find a copy soon. If not try


Post 7

David R. Litwin

He certainly is on my list (long explanations, suffise it to say it is a list of books to read). I pitty him. Apperantly, he had an account here. See U42. Oh well.

So, how are you comming along? Well, I hope?


Post 8


Not to bad actually. I am slowly finding my way around. Unfortunately the only time I have to get online is at night and after working all day I can't take all the time I really want to explore. I got sucked in last night here and didn't get to dream land till 2am. Too easy to do with so much to see and so much to explore.


Post 9

David R. Litwin

I know the feeling. I discover some thing new quite frequently and I've been here well nigh to a year now.

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