This is the Message Centre for Pete *not quite dead yet*

Yow've changed your name!

Post 1

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

See? I'm that quicksmiley - winkeye

Yow've changed your name!

Post 2

Pete *not quite dead yet*

smiley - winkeye Although apparently I'm not... Sorry, Sarge!
smiley - biggrin Summer's here and I'm back in the land of the living!!
smiley - cheers How's things?

Yow've changed your name!

Post 3

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*giggles* I'm okay- finished my exams. a month to myselfsmiley - winkeye Yipee!

Yow've changed your name!

Post 4

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

*giggles* I'm okay- finished my exams. a month to myselfsmiley - winkeye Yipee!

Yow've changed your name!

Post 5

Pete *not quite dead yet*

woohoo! yeah, i'm waiting not-so-patiently for my grades as of now... smiley - winkeye but at least i know that even in my worst case scenario, I'm finally above a 3.0 again!!! smiley - disco

Yow've changed your name!

Post 6

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

I'm hoping for a 2:1. Bet I get a 2:2 thoughsmiley - erm

Yow've changed your name!

Post 7

Pete *not quite dead yet*

How does that work? I dont know the Brit GPA system...

Yow've changed your name!

Post 8

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat


1st= 70%+
2:1= 60-69
2:2= 50-59
3rd= 40-49
fail= <39

Mind you, I got the last result from my all coursework module two days ago. I got a good 2:1!smiley - biggrin

Yow've changed your name!

Post 9

Pete *not quite dead yet*

YAY!!!!!!!! smiley - cheers
That's awesome!

Yow've changed your name!

Post 10

Sergeant Mushroom

smiley - blackcat

But I think my double module was a 2:2. Ho humsmiley - erm

Results this weeksmiley - bigeyes

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