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toybox Started conversation Dec 20, 2002
Last time I was in Edinburgh I found it much more difficult to find fancy and
than the previous time (Caledonian, McEwan's,Gillespie's...). And it had grown more expensive
but it's just the same everywhere. Was it just me or is there an actual tendency for pubs to serve more or less the same beer everywhere?
Flanker Posted Dec 20, 2002
Yeah nowadays the pubs are becoming more and more part of a chain and they all sell the same. This means that the few pubs that still sell decent
are being forced to raise their prices
So we'll have to make do with GD's
toybox Posted Dec 20, 2002
That's right. Too bad we actually have to make an effort to deserve it...
Hey, that reminds me I'm invited for some Czech in about twenty minutes. A daring experience
... Ah well, we'll see.
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