This is the Message Centre for Flanker

Flanker Rocks!

Post 1


Alright mate!
This is your sitcom discussion board chum aonemantidalwave saying hi!
This is the first time I've dropped in to your page and am suitably interested and impressed (pictures always nice, likeminded appreciation of alky hool!).
Sad to hear of bad illness.
Glad to hear you beat the f***er!
Hope your holiday kicks suitable rear (preferably Felicity Kendals, right?!)
Whereabouts you going?
Drop in any time.



Flanker Rocks!

Post 2


Hi aonemantidalwave

Good of you to stop by.

We're (my *better half* our three kids aged 9,7 & 5,) are all going to Morecambe for ten days I hope the sun shines while we are there.

I'll tell you about any nice butts I see when I get back. (FK's is nice but not as nice as my *better half's* smiley - winkeye)

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