This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

Definitions of Christianity

Post 1


You and I obviously have very different definitions of Christians... Considering you don't consider Roman Catholics Christians and I do.

I am interested in your view, but mine is that any one who beleives in Jesus Christ as the son of God (As many denominations do) is a Christian.

This definition DOES include the Roman Catholics, and the Anglicans, Presbeterians and many others you may care to mention, but I don't...

I don't really see how you can say that the RC's are NOT Christian...

I cannot get my head around it, and look forward to your explanation.


Definitions of Christianity

Post 2

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

It's quite simple--Justin believes a Christian must know Jesus personally, as he claims to. Since he believes he knows Jesus personally, anyone who disagrees with him about anything about religion must not and thus, by his definition must not be a Christian. I think your definition makes more sence, but, even if Justin comes back, you won't persuade him of it. He will not accept any logical arguement that does not support his beliefs.

Definitions of Christianity

Post 3


So, I tell him I had tea with Jesus last night, and He said the sky was purple. Justin obviously disagrees with this, but does that mean I'm not Christian, or he's not? (Cos I've spoken the Jesus more recently)

I take it he has left the environs?

Pity, as I was really curious about his own wording. Oh well...

Kind takes the sport out of this post really... smiley - sadface

Definitions of Christianity

Post 4

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

"So, I tell him I had tea with Jesus last night, and He said the sky was purple. Justin obviously disagrees with this, but does that mean I'm not Christian, or he's not? (Cos I've spoken the Jesus more recently)"

You're not, because he HAS met Jesus and Jesus never changes his mind--he's always right. So Justin knows exactly what Jesus would say and if you are told something else, you are either lieing or are really in contact with a demon pretending to be Jesus. After all, Justin says that what Jesus tells him is in complete accord with the Bible, which is inerrant, so obviously if you hear something else, it must not be true.

It takes a while to get used to how Justin thinks, but it follows appoximately those lines. He KNOWS, in capital letters, Jesus, so anyone who has different opinions on any issue only has "mere religion" and worships, or is perhaps even possessed by (ex if they're mentally ill) demons. Thus, if you disagree with him you can't be a True Christian.

He has left the environs, although he's done this and returned several times, he could come back again.

You can find his wording on most of the threads on his personal space--they mostly sprout from his journal entries/tracts.

Definitions of Christianity

Post 5


All I can say is strange person.

smiley - smiley

Definitions of Christianity

Post 6


You seem to have come across a very different Roman Catholic church than the one I'm familiar with.

<[My view] is that any one who beleives in Jesus Christ as the son of God ... is a Christian.>
These two statements, together, imply that Roman Catholics believe in Jesus Christ as the son of God. And while I agree at least that a Christian should believe in Jesus as the son of God, I don't exactly agree with your saying that under that defintion a Roman Catholic is a Christian, as most Catholics will have quite an argument with the idea that Jesus Christ is the son of God, believing as they do that Jesus IS God.

Definitions of Christianity

Post 7


My understanding, which I will concede I have not studied in great depth to obtain, is that Jesus is the sone of God, and that the Roman Catholic beleif is that it is the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) that is God. Thus, he is God, AND the sons of God at the same time.

As I said, this is merely my understanding of anothers beliefs, and could easily be wrong... smiley - smiley

Definitions of Christianity

Post 8

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

put yer hands on the tv

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