This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

A few questions about Christianity

Post 1

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Hi, just one of two things:

God gave mankind free will, to do with as he pleased. This free will has been attributed to things such as herasy and the like. However, god gave mankind free will to be a heretic and so in turn, in being a heretic then he or she is doing as god intended.

Also, repentance is not necessary, nor is being christian. Let me elaborate.
Christ died for the sins of man. Yet to sin ranges from stealing - to murder - and also covers worshipping other gods (so includes being muslim, Buddhist etc). Therefore, hell exists only on a celestial plane, for those thrown out of heaven. When someone dies, all there sins are discounted due to the martyrdom of christ, and as long as the person truely sorry for any and all of his or her sins, then they are allowed into heaven.

Also, hell is not fire and pain.
Mephostophilis: Why, this is hell (Taken from Fautus by christopher Marlowe)
Anything other then heaven is obviously hell - so hell is probibly not fire and brimstone, and is in fact some place akin to earth, which is as you'll no doubt be aware, quite full of sinners.

A few questions about Christianity

Post 2

Ragged Dragon

Why do you care? smiley - smiley

Personally, I am heathen, and I have met my gods, and I have a place set aside with my kin in the halls of the ancestors, somewhere in Hel's realm, where bright Baldur dines on boar and toasts the worlds in mead.


A few questions about Christianity

Post 3


hi Jez!


hi Justin!


A few questions about Christianity

Post 4

I am Donald Sutherland

>> and also covers worshipping other gods (so includes being muslim, Buddhist etc). <<

Muslims worship the same God as Christians. Just have a disagreement as to who the true prophet is. Buddhists have no God. Just a deity by the name of Buddha who was a real man like Jesus.

Heaven is a state of mind, as is Hell. God is what you want Him to be.


A few questions about Christianity

Post 5

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

I was only using them as examples. Change to hindi, or norse for all believers of thor.

And hell is anything but heaven. Once you've seen perfection (heaven) then everything else is a living hell - which was marlowes point

A few questions about Christianity

Post 6

Researcher 195767



Yes, man was given free will, in the beginning, but since the Fall that will is now in bondage to sin. As Paul's aside in Rom.7 shows. Whilst many would like to be good they find, if they try and do religion that they cannot keep God's way. Sin rules their lives, and whilst they have some latitude they are, in the end slaves to sin and Satan.

I don't follow your logic. You seem to be looking on sin as something done, A sin. But sin is not what you do, but the power which runs and controls all human beings, from conception, unless and until they are born again. All human beings are made partakers of the sin nature, inherited from their father. ONLY the spark of life and conciousness is directly God created at conception. He did NOT make anyone a sinner.

It does not matter how big or small the outworking of sin in your life. In the same way as an apple tree may produce large or small apples, or none at all, it is still and apple tree. In the same way, men are all born on the conveyor belt to the lake of fire, because of inherited sin. BUT God has paid in the blood of His Son to set men free from that power of sin. It is a free gift to all who come to Him, confessing the truth that there is no good in them and that they are helpless sinners.

Your ideas are absolutely contrary to the Bible, and contrary to the experience of every genuine Christian.

Jesus mentioned Hell when teaching and said that the man was 'in torment in this flame'. It is NOT the end though. Hell is only a holding place until Judgement Day as Heaven is. Post Judgement Day death, Hell, the devil and all his angels, and all unrepentant sinners, are cast into the lake of fire.

I am well aware that the Earth is full of sinners. Only about 0.5% of the British people are the Lord's, and the rest are sinners; children of the devil and slaves/servants of his. God's people always have been few in number, or as the Bible calls them, 'a remnant'.


A few questions about Christianity

Post 7

I am Donald Sutherland

I would have to diaagree with Marlow then. One day can be Heaven, the next can be Hell. I try to make my little bit of Heaven every day. But sadly, being only human, I sometimes fail.

Interesting aside: Hindus also revere Jesus as a man of God as well as Muslims, but not the Son of God.


A few questions about Christianity

Post 8

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

So, having seen absolute perfection, you could live with anything less?

BTW how come your replying to this? a few general comments on someone elses PS?

A few questions about Christianity

Post 9

Noggin the Nog

Doesn't 'remnant' refer to the time of the Babylonian exile?


A few questions about Christianity

Post 10

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

Hello Justin

"since the Fall that will is now in bondage to sin."
"Sin rules their lives, and whilst they have some latitude they are, in the end slaves to sin and Satan"
But the free will granted by god allows a person to choose there own path.

"the spark of life and conciousness is directly God created at conception. He did NOT make anyone a sinner."
True he (assuming of course, that god is male) didnt - but he did give them the option. Humankind cannot be denied options that they were preordained to have by the creator, and nobody on earth can say that such things are wrong. The only person that can judge sin without sinning is God. To call someone a sinner is like saying that you are the voice of god, extremely blashemphy.

"BUT God has paid in the blood of His Son to set men free from that power of sin. It is a free gift to all who come to Him, confessing the truth that there is no good in them and that they are helpless sinners." (edit: and women)
But then you too are a sinner, as only god can grant absolution from sin. Or is there someone else?

"Your ideas are absolutely contrary to the Bible, and contrary to the experience of every genuine Christian."
Fair enough, but then every genuine christian is a sinner, for every man and woman is born into the sins of there father or mother (so you said)

That is not hell though, that is merely pain. Hell is having bliss before you then snatch away. If hell truely is a place of pain and fire then it wont be as bad as say, having heaven then being cast out.

"Only about 0.5% of the British people are the Lord's, and the rest are sinners"
Ahh but did not god create man, and so they are all people of god no matter what they do?

A few questions about Christianity

Post 11

I am Donald Sutherland

>> So, having seen absolute perfection, you could live with anything less? <<

Heaven is subjective. A plate full of food is heaven to a starving man.

>> BTW how come your replying to this? a few general comments on someone elses PS? <<

If that was polite way of saying Go Away. Fine, I'll go away.


A few questions about Christianity

Post 12

Ragged Dragon

>>Ahh but did not god create man, and so they are all people of god no matter what they do?<<

Actually, the first people were breathed into life by Odin and his fellow travellers upon the path of wyrd... And the ancestors of the gods were licked into life by a divine cow...

This is a brilliant site, and supports internal searches.

smiley - smiley

Luckily, heathens are not required to believe their myths are anything but myth - neither history nor science, but damn good stories with a deeper meaning beyond their words.

Jez - heathen and witch

A few questions about Christianity

Post 13

Researcher 195767


Free will is part of the man and not under God's direct control. It is conditioned by the sin nature that is in man so it will ALWAYS go for sin and CANNOT choose righteousness before God. Hence 'You must be born again'. All human beings are born with the Satanic nature, and must be born again with God's nature. ALL human beings are children of Satan by nature. Hence mere religion is of no use as it only seeks to modify demonic nature and commend it to God, which is not acceptable to Him.

Almighty God did NOT preordain anything to do with a man's day to day life. If someone is going to be saved there is a time when they will come to God, which is ordained. And for all God has ordained when they die.

But I take it that you are just extending the wicked notion that God is a sinner for making men sinners. I hope you will have second thoughts about such evil.

ALL servants of God, as seen right through the NT, call sin 'sin', and ALL servants of God speak God's words, as it is says in the NT. It is not blasphemy. Where on Earth do you get that idea from? You do not know your Bible and you are speaking contrary to God. For instance there is this Scripture:

"They that are sent of God speak the words of God."

That is true of all (genuine) Christian ministers. You do not know your Bible, and you would do well to ask politely what the truth is, rather than teach those who know it. God DOES NOT use your reason or understanding to calculate anything. In speaking the truth, as a saved child of God, and servant of God, is PERFECTLY IN LINE WITH THE BIBLE. Daring to charge God with making men sinners is extreme blasphemy.

Now, sit down, think it over, and realise that it is not wise to attempt to teach those who are saved, and who KNOW God, and are in the kingdom of God, when you yourself are an outsider. Stop being an idiot.

I am NOT a sinner. ALL saved people WERE sinners, but they are now SAVED OUT of sin and death. They are NEVER referred to in the Bible as sinners, but 'believers', 'saints' (don't insert the pope religion's notion of this here, it just means 'normal born again Christian') 'brethren' etc. NO Christian can condemn any sinner as they were there themselves once and they are only saved by grace themselves.

In one sense all human beings are owned by God, as is all creation, but I was speaking of His people as distinct from sinners; His enemies.


A few questions about Christianity

Post 14

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Justin smiley - smiley

OK as we seem to be running an FAQ on 'real' christianity perhaps you would care to answer these two questions:

1. Where did sin come from?
2. Please explain the meaning behind the Parable of the Good Samaritan.

Matholwch /|\.

A few questions about Christianity

Post 15

Asmodai Dark (The Eternal Builder, servant of Howard, Crom, and Beans)

"It is conditioned by the sin nature that is in man so it will ALWAYS go for sin and CANNOT choose righteousness before God."
But who, other then god, can give total absolution?

"All human beings are born with the Satanic nature"
If this is true, then it is also true that god intended this in the creation of man.

"Hence mere religion is of no use as it only seeks to modify demonic nature and commend it to God, which is not acceptable to Him."
Again, then only absolution before god is possible. Repenting sins (whilst on earth) still leaves on open to sin. Jesus said 'let he without sin cas the first stone' - so as long as humanities sins are acknowledged by the person, and the person is then sorry for there sins, then absolution is given, as christianity preeches forgiveness.

"And for all God has ordained when they die."
That is not so, as god gave man free will - free will to kill his neighbour etc etc. If god has ordained when a person dies then he has also preordained the rest of there life accordingly and therefore god has preordained mankind to a life of sin.

"But I take it that you are just extending the wicked notion that God is a sinner for making men sinners."
Not at all. But the word sin is too easily thrown about. If god was so abjectly against sin, then why are there billions living there lives as they are now? Would not god strike them down?

""They that are sent of God speak the words of God.""
But god created man and woman, and so there fore all men and women were created to speak the word of god by there own choosing.

"That is true of all (genuine) Christian ministers. You do not know your Bible, and you would do well to ask politely what the truth is, rather than teach those who know it."
If god had wish us to live by a text of any kind he would have given it to adam atthe creation, so that he would not have been tempted to eat the fruit in the garden of eden.
Following on from this, how can anyone know the will of god. A minister or otherwise cannot begin to comprehend the will of god and its a fools fancy to think otherwise - unless of corse, you are the messiah reborn in which case ill retract that.

"In speaking the truth, as a saved child of God, and servant of God, is PERFECTLY IN LINE WITH THE BIBLE. Daring to charge God with making men sinners is extreme blasphemy."
Have you been saved before the creator? How can anyone other then god, grant absolution. As a saved child of god, please clarify how anyone can.
As you have already said, a child is born into sin through the sins of there farther (and i assume mother) and so no person can be free of sin (trace it back to adam if you want). Therefore, no minister of anykind, can be truely sin-free - and in turn, and sins you have repented have been repented to a sinner and have not been repented to god (whos currently to be found on a higher plane)

"Stop being an idiot."
The bible preeches forgiveness, yet an insult is all that can be given from born again christian....

"NO Christian can condemn any sinner as they were there themselves once and they are only saved by grace themselves."
They are saved by the grace of god and so only god can forgive the sins of man. So repentance is necessary before god himself, with anything before that being a mere token gesture.

"His enemies."
Gods enemies? Surely god has no enemies, as god fogives all his creations. His only enemies of any kind are those that struck against him such as Lucifer, Satan, Mephastophilis et al.

A few questions about Christianity

Post 16


Another question:

What was it that Jesus said about the arrogant sinner? (proud sinner?)


A few questions about Christianity

Post 17

Researcher 195767


OK, I see you think it good to instruct me. Instruct away...

I think I will just take your example and go down the local private senior school, where there are highly qualified teachers, and gather those who teach physics, and teach them about it. I can do rudimentary maths, and I have heard of physics. According to you I should know better than they do.

A few questions about Christianity

Post 18

Matholwch - Brythonic Tribal Polytheist

Hi Az smiley - biggrin

Have you noticed that Justin now claims to be a saint? Well I say its about time so from now on he shall be referred to as St.Justin smiley - ok.

St.Matholwch /|\.

A few questions about Christianity

Post 19


St. Justin??? smiley - yikes



A few questions about Christianity

Post 20

Noggin the Nog

<...and you would do well to ask politely what (the) truth is...>

I have done. Over and over again. smiley - smiley And "no answer" came the stern reply.


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