This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

If I may ask a question...

Post 1

Secretly Not Here Any More

Just to sate my curiosity, I'm seeing which reasearchers have actually read Douglas Adams' Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy. And you're one of the random chosen.

So, have you?

If I may ask a question...

Post 2

Researcher 195767

No, in a word. I glimpsed the TV serialisation of it briefly, and found the humour so perverse and oblique that I could not begin to understand it.


If I may ask a question...

Post 3

Secretly Not Here Any More

Ahh, so, just out of interest how did you come accross H2G2?

If I may ask a question...

Post 4

Researcher 195767

There is a link to it from the BBC's messageboards page.


If I may ask a question...

Post 5

Secretly Not Here Any More

Ahh. And do you plan on writing any entries to be added to the guide?

If I may ask a question...

Post 6

Researcher 195767

Well I am not sure that I will, as a) I don't know how to do it, b)I am not sure I see any useful purpose in it, and c)I am sure the BBC would not want it! smiley - smiley


If I may ask a question...

Post 7

Secretly Not Here Any More

Ahh, so you're just here for the community.

If I may ask a question...

Post 8

Researcher 195767

In a way, but that would be more down to the fact that I don't really know my way round and am not a great computer nerd by any means.


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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