This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

Holocaust denial

Post 1

Researcher 524695

Oops, the previous version of this question appears to have disappeared. How can that have happened?

Holocaust denial

Post 2

Researcher 524695

Anyway, before the short technical hitch, I was asking about your political affiliations....

Holocaust denial

Post 3

Researcher 524695

So, given that your views could reasonably be described as "conservative", but assuming the Conservative party itself almost by definition isn't conservative *enough* - what with it being entirely made up, by definition, of "government minister types" that you seem to think are all homosexuals...

Holocaust denial

Post 4

Researcher 524695

... what I'm interested in is - who do you vote for?

Do you, in fact, vote at all?

I don't suppose the BNP put up a candidate where you live, so is there a party whose policies are acceptable to you available on your ballot paper?

Holocaust denial

Post 5

Researcher 524695

Ooh, ooh, I have another question:

If you had previously considered voting Conservative, would the fact that they now have a Jewish leader affect your vote, given your views?

Holocaust denial

Post 6

Researcher 524695

Just politics, not religion. I'm not attacking, I'm just honestly interested who you vote for, and who you *would* vote for if you could...

Holocaust denial

Post 7

Researcher 524695

Also, just out of curiosity, do you do anything overt to oppose Jews in this country, other than your preaching against them?

Holocaust denial

Post 8


You must be getting lonely over here, Member. smiley - towel


Holocaust denial

Post 9

badger party tony party green party

Hi Member has no one told you its a bit wiered to keep talking to yourselfsmiley - winkeye

The only conteporary political stance I saw Justin say was that he thought that the EU was bad. As that could apply to anyone who supports any party its hard to draw much from that.

smiley - rainbow

Holocaust denial

Post 10

Researcher 524695

What surprises me is that I've tried before to ask him this question, and the entire thread has simply disappeared. Presumably he's yikes'd it.

This surprises me for two reasons:

1. That he would take offense at a question about politics (and a question that he hasn't read, unless he's a liar...)

2. That the moderators would uphold such a complaint and expunge it.

I'm really rather more concerned about (2), since I already know Justin to be an irrational inconsistent liar. The moderators, however, are now apparently showing what can only be described as bias. smiley - sadface

Holocaust denial

Post 11


Yes, the moderators do not apply the rules evenly when it comes to Justin. He gets away with profoundly offensive things, whilst the rest of us get moderated for the strangest reasons.

smiley - grr

Stesmiley - mod

Holocaust denial

Post 12

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

i don;t agree

Holocaust denial

Post 13



Holocaust denial

Post 14

(crazyhorse)impeach hypatia

i never saw Justin get moderated,,,,,,used to like winding him up though

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