This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767


Post 1

Researcher 524695

This post has been removed.

Holocaust denial

Post 2

Researcher 524695

smiley - huh

Holocaust denial

Post 3


curious . . .

Holocaust denial

Post 4

Researcher 524695


Holocaust denial

Post 5

Researcher 524695

I'm particularly amused that Justin - who continually complains that "antichrist" moderators affect his "right" to freedom of speech - ruthlessly uses the system to attempt to suppress the free speech of others.

This is amusing on a number of levels:

1. Justin doesn't believe in human rights, so why does he bleat on about the curtailment of his "free speech"?

2. The "antichrist" moderators regularly allow his most foul outpourings to be visible, and at his request hide mild questions about his politics, so if anything to an objective observer they appear biased in his favour.

3. To complain of a system of censorship then use it to silence people whose questions are inconvenient is hypocrisy of the highest order - and yet hypocrisy in others is one of Justin's favourite targets.

Holocaust denial

Post 6


Are you trying to tell me that Justin is contradictory??? smiley - yikes

smiley - winkeye

I wonder how he keeps yikesing mine after having told me that he no longer reads my postings.


Holocaust denial

Post 7

Researcher 524695

I wonder how long this is going to take...

Holocaust denial

Post 8


Heck, Member, you only asked the man about his political leanings. You didn't accuse him of anything. What is his problem? Unless you hit a nerve. Yet he can call us 'spawn of Satan' and 'wicked from birth' and 'doomed to burn in the Lake of Fire' and this is somehow okay?

The mind reels.


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