This is the Message Centre for Researcher 195767

The truth

Post 1


Hello Justin , so you came over here so that you could abuse real Christians with impunity , did you. Well , it works both ways and you may well find that you get some of your own medicine . When I have more time I intend giving you a few home truths . You love the truth so much it won't hurt you to hear some , will it.

The truth

Post 2

Researcher 195767


No, I did not come here to abuse anyone. I had this site anyway. I don't abuse people. What I do is point out the demonic, and refuse the Satanic, that claims to be 'Christian'.

I would not, and do not, abuse real Christians, they are my brothers and sisters in Christ! Why ever would I do that?! Only today I was preaching the gospel on the streets in Weston Super Mare, with other Christians whose understanding of the Word of God is poor, but they are saved. I don't abuse them. I am not sure where you get the idea from!


The truth

Post 3


I don't doubt that you are well intentioned Justin but you have been advised over and over again that you should change your style and approach if you want to make any impression on believers . That means stop mocking , stop abusing , stop insulting other people and their faiths

The truth

Post 4


Agreed. If your aim is to convert people to Christianity then you are having the exact opposite effect. You drive people away from your God. Ironically, you are driving people towards the hellfire you claim you want to save them from! smiley - laugh

What does it feel like to condemn people to eternal torture?

Stesmiley - earth

The truth

Post 5

Researcher 195767


It is not a matter of style, or behaving in a certain manner. I really don't care what people think of me. God says that His servants are to preach His Word. Jesus did it, and they crucified Him (and brought about the devil's destruction, and did what had to be done too); the Apostles did it, and they killed them, and many others too, through history. But through their efforts many are saved.

The preached Word of God offends all but those who are saved, and those who are going to be saved. The rest will be offended, especially those of demonic pagan religions which damn their adherents to a lost eternity.



Post 6


This post has been removed.

The truth

Post 7


Hello Ste , I see Justin has the same effect on you as he has on me and probably on thousands of others. Apart from banging us on the head with his dogmas he can't stop himself insulting our faiths and of course us at the same time . Exactly haw aman gets in this stste I do not know . I wonder if there are many like him or whether he's an extreme case . He consoles himself with the thought that Jesus and his apostles were attacked and that therefor he will be attacked because he's a real Christian . I got sick to death of acres of ' in yer face ' preaching on the Christian message board from him and a few others until he got barred for his insults. Now I keep an eye on him over here out of curiosity and for entertainment value. Some of the things that he and his believe are definitely from the dark ages.

The truth

Post 8

Researcher 195767


Interesting. You did not post on the BBC board though, as your sign in name has never been used on that board.

You could say that you are nearly right in a couple of respects; firstly re 'the dark ages', the things of God that I and all Christians (real ones) preach were settled in the heart of God from before the creation, so, yes, they do come from a long time ago, at least 6,000 years.

Secondly, the Biblical truth is an insult to all mere religion, of whatever ilk, as it says that no one can save themselves, or justify themselves by it. It is what the Bible calls the 'offence of the Cross'. They killed Jesus for telling the truth, and the apostles, and many others since. All religions of pagan origin, such as Islam, Cathoicism, Buddhism, JW'ism, Mormonism, Hinduism, is an insult to the One True God, who has made provision in the blood of His own Son for men to be saved, but these go off and do religion there way thus despising God, and His sacrifice made for them.

You will see therefore, I hope, that if all mere religion is an offence to God, then the True Gospel is an automatic offence to all the other 'faiths', as you call them.

There are only two camps; those who know Jesus personally, and those who do not; those who are in Christ and are filled with the Holy Spirit of God, and those who are not. There can be no agreement between the two positions.

The truth

Post 9


**Edited, less provocative response to post 5**

Justin, it becomes very tiring to hear the same nonsense spouted over and over. It's no wonder people ignore folk like yourself, they just become habituated to you to such an extend that they simply so not hear you any more.

Also, if you keep on insulting people you will eventually be removed from the site. That's just my opinion, but it has happened before on h2g2, and more significantly it has happened to *YOU* on another *BBC* message board. Learn.

Surely you should care what people think of you. The best way is to lead by example so people respect you. You smash folk over the head with your dogma until they hate and fear you. Your style and behaviour gets in the way of the message you are trying to put out. And you cannot even see it because the only thing you can see is your spectacularly mistaken interpretation of biblical scripture. smiley - smiley

The only worth your hateful rants have is pure comic value. smiley - laugh

Stesmiley - earth

The truth

Post 10


Justin- what is your definition of "true" christian? which denominations of christianity are you including, as catholicism is clerly out?

The truth

Post 11

R. Daneel Olivaw -- (User 201118) (Member FFFF, ARS, and DOS) ( -O- )

He defines "true Christian" as someone who personally knows God and thinks that God says the exact same things as he does. Basicly a "true Christian" is a carbon copy of Justin.

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