This is the Message Centre for dalamar7742

Sounds like an exciting place to live . . .

Post 1

Jeff - Lurker <lurk> - nostalgia overload!

Hello and <./>welcome</.> to h2g2--we're glad to have you here! smiley - biggrin

My name is Jeff and I'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors) here at h2g2. We ACEs enjoy going around h2g2, welcoming new Researchers, and helping out wherever we can. So, if you need any help or have any questions, don't hesitate to leave me a message on my user space (by clicking on my name above) or respond to this posting by using the "reply" button below.

Also, feel free to check out my list of places to visit around h2g2 at A579431 You might also want to take a look at The Post Page of Useful Links at A660304 (courtesy of h2g2's own online weekly newspaper, <./>ThePost</.&gtsmiley - winkeye.

If you'd like to change your nickname from the default "Researcher 195447" to something more personalized, you can do that by clicking on the "Preferences" button or by going to this link -> <./>UserDetails</.>.

Welcome aboard and enjoy the experience. smiley - ok

smiley - zen

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Sounds like an exciting place to live . . .

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