This is the Message Centre for kanyonatic


Post 1


Welcome to the wonderful world of H2G2! smiley - smiley
I'm one of Assistant Community Editors or ACEs for short and I'm here to help you understand how this place works. So don't panic! and let's get started smiley - winkeye

First of all some useful links ans FAQs that will explain you a lot about this place and give you some how-tows:
<./>Welcome</.> - is a place where the "Italics" left all newcomers a message
At A317459 there is a H2G2 Tour which is quite long but will provide you with lots of useful information smiley - smiley

Then to get yourself involved in community activities try:
<./>Askh2g2</.> - which is a place where lots of researchers are discussing many different topics, so you can join which ever you'll like smiley - smiley
<./>thepost</.> - is H2G2's own weekly newspaper with lots of various articles and some useful links to fun clubs and societies. You can find their list of links at A660304.
<./>Talk</.> - is a nice page that show's where other researchers are talking and what are Community actuvities for the week.

Then to spice up your life there those little smileys ( smiley - smiley, smiley - sadface, smiley - cry, smiley - grr, smiley - oj, smiley - coffee, smiley - cake, smiley - magic and many many more) which are located at <./>Smiley</.> page or you can access them by clicking on one of them. smiley - winkeye

Here's also a link to H2G2 Jargon page (A632431) which will explain you a lot of this strange words we use here smiley - smiley

Is you want to access your personal space just click on My Space link at the top of your page (if your using alabaster skin) or on the left (if your using Goo skin).

If you have any questions please feel free to contact me either by replying to this conversation (simply click reply button) or by leaving a message at my space at U192899. If I'm not available you can ask any of my fellow Aces which would be willing to help you in any way they can smiley - biggrin

Enjoy your experience here! smiley - ok

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