This is the Message Centre for Lahrs


Post 1

David R. Litwin

Greetings. I'm Presently, an A. C. E. (one of many). We go round greeting "newbies" (such as yrself) and generally causing mayhem where we can. Actually, we do the exact opposite; we help out when we can. So, should you have any questions (which is qutie probable seeing as this is such a vast community), just ask away. If I seem too incompetant for you, I can let you speak to some one else (that bit about incompetancy was a joke smiley - winkeye. As you can see, I'm quite sily at times). Alright. Please, allow me to give you a link to a page made by a fellow A. C. E. It is designed to help Newbies get their bearings. It is located here: . Please, allow me to cordially invite you to it.

I didn't quite understand your first main page. Perhaps a little clarification and I will be able to help you. I do believe that you are interesting in the disolving of a church or many and a harpist who could not see. Is this the case? If so, please, say yes. If it is not, plase, say Aye. Ok. Alright. Good-night.


Post 2


Seems that 3 abbots proceeded to option hanging and being draw and quartered as well as a blind welsh harpist instead of agreeing with an excessive hormonal monarch who needed the lucre for a projected police action across the channel. Seems that names may change but little else. So I'm curious about historical patterns that tend to repeat. Ok, I should get more sleep. Besides the 1530s seem a bit like today if not last week. If it wasn't for the nasty actions, the better "families" would still be mucking out the barn.


Post 3

David R. Litwin

Ok. getting a little clearer. A few priests decided to punish people in lieu of obeying the king who wanted to invade some thing and some thing about a harpist? Forgive my density but I am merly an idiot.


Post 4


No problem on mental density, mine seems to be some where between lead and organic processed cheese. Since I'm writing this from the State of Michigan where the locals are addicted to Hockey and bet on the life cycle of 4 wheeled gasoline horseless carriages, a trip into the past is the usual escape. Since this is a first time using h2g2, I'm finding it weird, but strangely pleasent. Sort of like skipping school, only to find out it's been a holiday. So I think I will brew some coffee and try to figure out just what I have gotten into by this venture. Of course I could just check my medications and see if this is listed on any of the contra indications.


Post 5

David R. Litwin

My God who are you? You remond me of myself! And your linguistic ability, I believe, far excells that of myself. Your alussion to car racing was one of the best allussion I've ever seen and I'm not mocking you nor being sarcastic am I!

In respons to your confusedness concerning your venture into H2G2, I can there be of some assisstance.

H2G2 was created by Dougals Noel Adams (DNA) who wrote the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy (H2G2). This site is bassically the "Earth Edition" of said guide. However, it is much, much more than simply that. However, to maximise the usage of your time here, you must get to know the site. This requires, pure and simply, quite a bit of time. But, I can start to help you with that; that's what I'm here for.

Does any of this help you at all? If not, slap me and tell me to get a hold of myself. smiley - winkeye


Post 6


Since I have no concept if you are an ex Green Bay Packer or a refugee Munchkin from the Wizard of Oz, Slapping could bring on serious hemotomas or worse. The other dimension would put other vitals at risk. So I will remain in a Poultry response. I will scream for help. Right now, I'm enjoying bouncing around this site like a cross eyed flat worm in a glass of whiskey. So right now I will put on my Goggles , sit on the Dog house and shoot down a few Folkners. So don't get a hold of yourself, it still is a felony in most States. Don't be a stranger, strange is ok though.


Post 7

David R. Litwin

If you didn't live in Michgan, I'd ask if you were some one that I knew.

I've caught yr first mistake, my good sir/madam/thing! Worms have not 1, not two, not even 3 or 4 eyes. In fact, they have nought!

As to the rest of your fantabulous and superkalifragilisticexpialadotious commentairy, I believe that you are stating that you do not quite require much help yet but shall in the future. Is this correct?

Do you like Finnegans Wake by James Joyce?

The long word I used is an actuall word; I read it in the O(xford) E(nglish) D(ictionairy).

Aye, and a good blump to ye!


Post 8


As to worms, check out planaridae. As to the OED, great, so many words so little time. Also handy to hold up sofas with broken legs. As to James Joyce: A noter of dialects in various pubs whose ears compensated for a serious myopic condition. I find a bit much, I do prefer Isaiah Berlin or even old essays by Huxley. Still struggling with Nardia by Lewis or Tolkien's Epic; but Charles Williams( One of the other Inklings and former editor at Oxford U. Press have occupied me for the past few months. I can say I have read all of the Sea novels by Patrick O'Brian during a dull 90 day period last winter. Joyce has become a strange cult figure, sort of like Tolstoy. You know someone to have a copy on the shelf, just in case. Thats ok, I happen to like Gregorian Chant.


Post 9

David R. Litwin

I am in awe of you, to say the least. I don't really know what to say. Keep talking. Clearly, you are some one highly well informed; perhaps a professor yrself? I am indeed dumb-founded; perhaps because of my total lack of communication with "Scociety". Are you what "They" would call an "Intelectual"?


Post 10


Just one of those fellas who has as they say in Dime Store Novels"been around" As to age, well the folks that I usually deal with seem to want me to prefix everything I do with the word "palaeo". My second little cousins actually belive I was an usher at Ford"s Theatre the night Lincoln was shot, who am I to argue. Actually I was down the street selling iron clad ships. A guy has to earn a buck. Once I did have a hand in Student teaching at a University, but decided to do something else and engage in legitimate procreation at the same time. After contributing to the Gene Pool, ( Serious error), time pasted and now am a member of the IMO (Involuntary Monastic Order) for the last 18 yrs. I have to get another car, mine is an 87 with 139,000 miles, paint going down to the gray undercoat. Actually it's my version of the Portrait of Dorian Gray. Since I don't know if you are an academic or just spent too much time on the HIstory Channel, it would be helpful to let me know. I know you can't be Hardy from the old math dept at Oxford, a stake was driven in his heart nor that "legend in his own mind" K. Philby, he's was pickled long before he moved to the Dasha. So right now I will watch the Antigue Road show and remember when it was all new. Besides the toast is burning and the kippers are running back up stream.


Post 11

David R. Litwin

Alas, I am but a person who watches too much of the History, Discovery, Life and TLC channels. However, I do think that this does "Well Round" me, if I may use that term.

However, I do believe that you are either a person who is paleo- some-thing-or-other or a person who as been here many many years. If the former, I should be interested to know what the some-thing-or-other is and if the latter, I say well and good; I tend to aquaint better with persons of an older age; physical or mental. smiley - smiley (I find those smilelies curiously interesting....)


Post 12


I am 4 years older than Paul McCartney who will be 60 on June 18th. Also a compulsive reader, I mean even can labels. Was a trial lawyer for 35 yrs.until the old ticker went out one Weds and I didn't go to the old sawbones until the following Mon. The scenerio that followed was a bit much with a technical demise and assorted nasty remarks by yours truly. Then went to labor for a govt. court system that was a covert facist melage of inept buggers. Enough of that. Traveled a bit. Especially like going into areas that say no admittance, Great answer in other countries when caught is "I'm lost". So where do you reside? I mean other than a compulsory dwelling provided by a State Institution. Favorite country so far has been Wales. Ok, what do I know!


Post 13

David R. Litwin

My my. Your life is a monument to two of the things that I would love to do. Fascinating.... I find myself in a situation where I am at a lack of words. This does not happen to me often. I am in the presence of one supperior to me; I find that this does not transpire too often. Please, good sir, speak your mind.

Have you ever read any of the works by Mervyn Peake?

How are you enjoying the site? Have you any questions?


Post 14


I'm not familar with Peake, Some titles or topics please. The site has been more than interesting. So you have not told me much about yourself. Anyway I'm sure some questions will pop up. Right now I hope that a group can have a meeting, but they seem to have a difficult time picking a place or time.


Post 15

David R. Litwin

Peake's most popular work (indeed, I doubt that many know any of his other writings) is the Gormenghast Trillogy, Titus Groan, Gormenghast and Titus Alone.

I am but a mere human male attempting to make his way through life in the ways that he enjoys best (reading or doing nothing at all). I enjoy knowing many things and listening to classical music (and The Beatles and other such groups).

Which group is it that you are hoping to meet with, may I ask?


Post 16

David R. Litwin

Peake's most popular work (indeed, I doubt that many know any of his other writings) is the Gormenghast Trillogy, Titus Groan, Gormenghast and Titus Alone.

I am but a mere human male attempting to make his way through life in the ways that he enjoys best (reading or doing nothing at all). I enjoy knowing many things and listening to classical music (and The Beatles and other such groups).

Which group is it that you are hoping to meet with, may I ask?


Post 17


Midwest Group is trying to meet in Chicago. But as they say, it would be easier to herd a bunch of cats. Peake must be popular in a very
obtuse way. The titles sound like a menu in the Faroe Islands. Perhaps reading them is equivelent to also not doing anything. I suppose I will have to look at it. I hope it isn't something with an adult version of Snow White combined with Lewis Carrol after a bad dose of salts. As to classical music. CBC 2 is good, here it's 89.9 FM or the BBC's 4 is nice on the machine. Problem is most of the decent recordings are on labels that seem to be only available under dark bridges in Finland.


Post 18


I went to Barnes and Noble, no copies of any books by Peake are on the racks. I was given to understand that a new book is due out in Sept. The only information given was minimal, i.e. children's books and poetry. So I have nothing at present to make any judgments by. So once I do get a hold of something than maybe I can respond. So I will wait until I read something myself, I usually find reviewers to be at best inept or worse because of a personal ax to grind.


Post 19

David R. Litwin

89.9 FM? You are in Vancouver?

I myself just went to Barnes and Noble and they had some readers' oppinions of the books. If you go to my Personal Space (by clicking my name at the top of this message) and you scroll down until on the extreme left under Written Guide Entries is said Gormenghast (not Home of the Fans of Gormenghast) and you click on this entry, you will be able to read a very short summary which I am still in the prosses of writing. It might help you to decide if this book is for you. If you like what you read I'll tell you a little bit more about it.

ALso, I'll give you now a link to a conversation which I started. I proposed the usage of some form of chat-room on-site. Please, feel free to comment if you'd like. If not, please, spread the word. I'd like to get the whole community involved (seeing as it is also for them).


Post 20

David R. Litwin

Sorry, I fogot to give it to you. It is here: How are you faring in H2G2? Have you met some firendly persons other than myself yet?

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