This is the Message Centre for Martiansoup

Hello Martiansoup ...

Post 1


... and welcome to h2g2 - at last. smiley - smiley

It will be your registration anniversary soon and this is the first chance anyone has had to leave you a message. So happy anniversary for 10 days hence. smiley - gift - a random one naturally smiley - winkeye

I'm one of the <./>ACEs</.> (Assistant Community Editors). We are a team of volunteers who try to help new researchers for the guide find their way around. You can click on the link I made with that acronym in order to find out more. To find out more about anyone, click on the link made by their nickname (eg at the top of any conversation postings) to go to their personal space. Lurking is quite acceptable on h2g2. smiley - bigeyes

One thing h2g2 has a lot of, as well as researchers, is these <./>Smileys</.>. You can use them in your personal space and other articles, conversations and journal entries. You just type the shortcut text and they appear as if by magic on preview or posting. For example: < mars > without the spaces becomes smiley - mars - no, not the bar though we do have some smiley - choc

Here are a few more links you might like to try. A660340 is a list of "Clubs and Societies" on h2g2. <./>Askh2g2</.> and <./>MiscChat</.> are good places to start or join a random conversation. If you don't understand the local terminology, have a look at A632431 "h2 Jargon" and A901829 "h2g2 Glossary". You could use the infinite improbability drive on the "Front Page" (or <./>RandomEntry</.&gtsmiley - winkeye if you don't know where you want to go or <./>search</.> if you do. See other guide entries too important to be merely a number at <./>NamedEntries</.>. smiley - weird

Above all, have fun and don't panic. If you do find yourself tempted to panic, click the "h2g2 Help" link on the left. It may help. smiley - online2long

Now, if you'll excuse me, there are probably other things I should be doing, but I'll be back if you call for help (ie reply to this message). smiley - run

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Hello Martiansoup ...

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