This is the Message Centre for dundeebrunette

Old bearded bloke on the other side of the Atlantic

Post 1

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Is that a name or an advertisement? Either way, it got my attention.

JTG smiley - winkeye

Old bearded bloke on the other side of the Atlantic

Post 2


Hi how are you and what is your asl pls.My Nickname is my asl

Old bearded bloke on the other side of the Atlantic

Post 3

John the gardener says, "Free Tibet!"

Hi, Lorna. I was only kidding. I hope my post didn't nudge you towards getting rid of the picture. There are a lot of creepy people about, but I hope I'm not one of them.

I'm a happily married gardener fellow with a beard full of white bits that remind me that I'm not a kid anymore. I have a cat that can catch just about anything that moves. His best catch so far was a bat in the house. Television also ranks right up there amongst my favourite things (thanks, as ever, to Julie Andrews for that expression).

Anyway, nice to meet you. smiley - smiley


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