This is the Message Centre for vallentino

so u got here

Post 1

lost in space

hi john welcome

so u got here

Post 2

lost in space

hi john what u need to do now is click on the prefernces
button and put in a nickname
and have a smiley - coffee

so u got here

Post 3

lost in space

hi john see you have not been back on yet
here is a lucky smiley - blackcatfor

so u got here

Post 4

lost in space

hi john see you have not been back on yet
here is a lucky smiley - blackcatfor

hi john

Post 5

lost in space

hi john cu soon

hi john

Post 6

lost in space

hi john cu soon

hi john

Post 7

lost in space

hi john cu soon


Post 8


been out done my usual, slightly under the weather,as
well as the covers.goin to sleep..
took me this long to actually get
2 my messages..lmao

xxxxxxlove john(valle)ntino111

from anne

Post 9

lost in space

about time too

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