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I can almost see you ...

Post 1

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

If I climb the water-tower in my little town in Ontario. Trenton.

I was just looking at that h2g2 Researcher's Map, and saw you across the lake, and thought I'd call. Too bad that I didn't do this a year ago, because I did spend 2 fun-filled weeks in Rochester, and might have met up for a beer or a coffee. Ah well ...

Anyway, simply calling in to say "Hiya".


I can almost see you ...

Post 2

Researcher 194064


That's cool. Next time defiantly let me know and we can have a drink. Also, next time I am in your neck of the woods, I will do the same.

Maybe we can see if you and I can set up a researcher meet for our region sometime.


I can almost see you ...

Post 3

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

There are definitely prospects of one, perhaps two, returns to Rochester. Training on other systems and devices. But probably not until atleast late in the autumn.

I can almost see you ...

Post 4

Researcher 194064

That works for me because I probably will not have any free time till the fall anyway

I can almost see you ...

Post 5

Rev Nick { Only the dead are without fear }

If you care to, ... look over my Personal Space, for an e-mail address that looks like an envelope. If you care to call that way, we can 'properly' meet as times allow. Without the bother of tedious*, inane*, boring* drivel* and dross*.

* ... keywords for some sadly disconnected*-from-reality folks

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