Journal Entries

Exciting times

Dear Journal
There are now three people on h2g2!! I'm amazed at how effective this new telegraphic babbage machinery is. The question in my mind is 'can three people use it at the same time?'. I can't wait to find out.
Time to throw the wife out and take the cat to bed.

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Latest reply: May 6, 2002

This is fun

Dear Journal
Joined H2G2 today, looks like it could be fun. I have great hopes for the future even if there are only 2 other members at present (judging by the conversation traffic, anyway). Maybe they can attract more people as time goes on.

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Latest reply: May 6, 2002


Donkeys live forever - I have never seen a dead donkey therefore this must be true.

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Latest reply: May 6, 2002

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