Journal Entries
Posted May 3, 2002
I don't have too much time to write, but i'll try my best. i don't like writing in capitals, mostly because it takes up too much effort. i am so overwhelmed by this incredible site. already i have gotten replies about my article and they were all very good. i'm in the computer lab and i feel as though i'm observing another species called "computer lab people". i am friends with them, but every time i come in here, there they are. i'm sure that they actually live here, cracking codes for the irs, cia, and nra. one of them has a wooden sword, while the other has a tennis racket. itz a duel to the max and the winner takes all...of the glory....of the computer room. interesting, huh? itz so interesting just to observe them in their natural habitat. they are all sweet and know more about computers together than the entire school. half of what they say is complete jargon and the other half is random. and yet, this gentle breed will gladly help you if you suddenly find yourself in the middle of a cyber vortex of time. mostly the males are in this, but a few females are scattered throughout, probably because they are needed to keep the species alive. ah, the interesting things here in the computer lab. i'll update this later.
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