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Hi im Reaperladd i love stargate too!

Post 1


Hey i know you have no idea who i am but im MAD.... on stargate and red dwarf too! Have you watched the stargate series since it began or did ya just catch on half way though?
I have a friend who reccomended me to h2g2 her names "werekitty" she's great and insane too! oh well i have no idea why i added this but i did!

Hi im Reaperladd i love stargate too!

Post 2


its nice to hear from you
i`ve watched stargate since it began in 1997 and have been watching ever since on channel 4 and sky one

Hi im Reaperladd i love stargate too!

Post 3


Cool have you heard about the new stargate movie coming out in 2004?

Hi im Reaperladd i love stargate too!

Post 4


yeah i heard that one of the stargate crew will get captured by the goauld and the others may have to leave that one behind and its meant to be really smiley - cool

Hi im Reaperladd i love stargate too!

Post 5


Oh yeah that does sound good!

Hi im Reaperladd i love stargate too!

Post 6


Join the stargate team!
at <./>A975341</.>

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