Journal Entries


Well I am of to Edinburgh in the morning smiley - smiley

And then I am of to the USA untill the end of October smiley - magic

So if anyone needs me smiley - nahnahsmiley - nahnahsmiley - tongueoutsmiley - run

manda smiley - peacedove

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Latest reply: Sep 7, 2003

Now Open

Just a note to say a two things smiley - smiley


The H2G2/LDers Advice Corner A1027171 is now Open,
It is open to LDers and none LDers,
Were you can get advice about all things connected with H2G2 or the Digibox

We have some great people subscribed, so we can give you the best advice possible , people Like;

SEF U211824
Sir mort U204689
kow U190885
INTERN U191348
creachy U211544

oh,,almost forgot

there is
loup U200238
and me U193060 as well smiley - winkeye

So if you need any advice you know were to go smiley - winkeye

And if you are an ACE or a Guru and you would like to help give advice or just learn more about the Digibox,Them we would be very pleased if you subscribed smiley - ok



THE BOARS HEAD A1042534 have just opened an extention,
you will now find there is an Off Licence, and a very nice Beer Garden around the back smiley - biggrin

just pop over there and click on the links and have a nice smiley - ale

And don't forget that you can still go to the FoLders arms A913150 for another nice cold smiley - ale just down the road smiley - cheers

manda smiley - peacedove

Discuss this Journal entry [39]

Latest reply: Jun 22, 2003

My Picture

Well I have just started a Web page ( Well a few days ago ) smiley - smiley

So if anyone whats to have a look at what I look like,( but its not recommended for small children smiley - winkeye )
then it is HERE >>

Sorry but digibox users will still have to use your imagination smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove

Discuss this Journal entry [62]

Latest reply: Apr 30, 2003

The Shuttle disaster

My smiley - love goes out to all the family of the Shuttle disaster crew, and to all the USA smiley - cry

mandasmiley - cry

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Latest reply: Feb 1, 2003

Just Back

If any one has missed me ( Proberly not, but never mind smiley - erm )

I Have just got back from the London meet,and a few days in Nothampton smiley - smiley

The meet was a real fun night, and I think Abi and Mina did a real good job,
It was worth it just to go and see some friends that I had never met before,

The Guy With The Brown Hat ( but he did'nt have one on smiley - erm )

and jedi, who was realy nice

and, Captain_SpankMunki:, who was ..... well .... himself smiley - spacesmiley - winkeye

and it was also nice to meet Abi and Mina, so when they shout at me now, I know who is doing the shouting smiley - laugh

The only bad thing I can say about the night is that I got there at 7 o'clock and the food had already gone, so as well as being hungry all night, it had also cost me £20 for 4 pint of beer smiley - wah

So as much as I enjoyed it, I will think twice about paying that much next time


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Latest reply: Jan 29, 2003

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