This is the Message Centre for manda1111

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Post 1

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

hey manda,
I think you may be able to help here one for you, it is an lDer, who needs help


smiley - ta

smiley - cheers

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Post 2


Thanks Hel2 smiley - ok

I am on my way smiley - run

Well as fast as I can, H2G2 seems a bit slow again today smiley - erm

manda smiley - peacedove

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Post 3

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

slow? tell me about it smiley - laugh

yesterday was thr first time I was able to post in four days !!!!!

still intermitent slowness, but is supposedly fixed now smiley - erm

last sunday I had the white screen of doom or the personal space blacked out and my login was refused entry I was smiley - yikes and smiley - steam at the same time.........

gave up and just went back to work (was on 12 hr day shifts) smiley - groan

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Post 4


last weekend was just a wast of time, but yes it is suposed to be fixed smiley - erm

just have to see what it is like this weekend

manda smiley - peacedove

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Post 5

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh

seems to go down every sunday without fail.........smiley - erm

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Post 6


The staff must have a few smiley - ales and start to press the wrong buttons smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

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Post 7

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

or the computer has a few relaxing smiley - ale when no one is watching it on sundays, probably doesn't want to be the only one who doesn't have a few smiley - ale on sunday

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Post 8


can you imagin the staff going in on monday mornig and wondering where all the smiley - empty have come from and the computers stiting there with a smiley - smiley on there screens smiley - laughsmiley - laugh

manda smiley - peacedove

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Post 9

Heleloo - Red Dragon Incarnate

They probably wouldn't even notice as they are all bleary eyed after their own sundays smiley - winkeye

they probably think they left the smiley - empty there after the friday night drinks celebrating another week of survival

smiley - laugh

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Post 10


Well whoever has the smiley - ales I think they haveing them early this week as it is playing up for me like made at the moment smiley - grr

manda smiley - peacedove

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