This is the Message Centre for manda1111

hi mr manda

Post 1


Hi mate

can you get me the forum number for this home page please smiley - ta


Im doing away with the quize
We started a ghost thread and it seems popular so im going to do something on that lines

We have had over 300 posts smiley - smiley

Any way thanks mr manda

hi mr manda

Post 2


Hi intern smiley - ok

sorry to hear about the quize, but these things happen smiley - winkeye

I hope the ghost thread goes ok smiley - smiley

The forum number is 122246

let me know how you get on

manda smiley - peacedove

hi mr manda

Post 3


Yeh mate its how it goes i dont get time to up date the questions
now with me doing the rugby report and things

Well if you get two minutes and want to bob accross give me your opinon please feel free be good to hear from you

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