This is the Message Centre for manda1111


Post 1


Hello Manda! Happy to see you. As I'm not sure what kind of page my sapce will be, I'n sure I enjoy h2g2. Do you think like me who is Japanese, non-native English, can enjoy here as well? Do you think my English is understandable for other native Engish people? Anyway, I'll visit you time to time.
Best wishes,
Tammyu smiley - fairy


Post 2


Hi Taamyu smiley - ok

nice to hear from you,

I am sure that you can enjoy your self here smiley - biggrin

there are a lot of people on here that are not english speaking,so you are not on your own smiley - ok

and I can understand you very well smiley - winkeye
and I cannot see why anyone else will have any problems

If you need anything just give me a shout smiley - smiley

manda smiley - peacedove

Some of questions of which I have lots more.

Post 3


Hello Manda

Thank you for your reply smiley - biggrin.

As making my page, I found that I had lots of things to ask you smiley - erm...

1. What's is the DIGIBOX?
2. What's the differences between plaint text and GuideML. At the moment I use plaint text. In this case can't I use any special font like italics, bold, and so on?
3. Will you tell me how to insert the 'title box (?)'in my page to make the section set apatr like "Post to a conversation" as above.
4. Is this possible to use pictures with plaint text?

That's all at the moment. I'm so sorry smiley - sorry for disturbing you with my simple questions. But if you will explain me in detail, I'm very happy smiley - rose.

Taamyu smiley - fairy

Some of questions of which I have lots more.

Post 4


Hi Taamyu smiley - ok

No need to be sorry for asking me questions, that is what I am here for smiley - ok

Answers to your question smiley - biggrin

1. If you are in the UK and you are on cable TV, then you get the signale through the a box, that is what we call the "Digibox"
You can also get e-mail through the digibox,
If someone has not got a PC then we have found a way to send the a special e-mail that will let them get on H2G2 through there digibox smiley - smiley

2 & 4. In Plain text you can onlt put writing and smileys like you have done,
You have to change to GuideML if you want to put coloured writing or pictures on your page
I have made a few pages that might help you HERE >> A1020592
But if you need any more help just ask smiley - ok

3. I am not sure what you mean by question 3 smiley - sorry
If you mean the "GuestBook", then if you go HERE >> A1031644 it will show you how to do it,
but if you need any help just ask smiley - winkeye

manda smiley - peacedove

Thank you very much indeed

Post 5


Hiya Manda,

Thank you very much for your explanation with useful places.

As it's quarter to 5 here in Japan, I'm Very smiley - sleepy.
I'll try to re-edit little by little with reading your explanations.

I may shout smiley - wah to you for help. At that time, please don't go awaysmiley - zen

See you soon smiley - musicalnote

Taamyu smiley - fairy

Because I'm in Japan, not in England/UK, I can't use Digibox, anywaysmiley - cry.

I really go back to England againsmiley - flyhi

Thank you very much indeed

Post 6


hi Taamyu smiley - ok

I think you are right to edit your page a bit at a time, it is the best way,
Don't forget that you will have to change ALL your smileys, and your writing will look funny to start with but it is easy to sort that out smiley - biggrin

you would not like the digibox, it is not as good as a PC,
but for then that have not got a PC, then it is better than nothing

manda smiley - peacedove

Hello Manda!

Post 7


How are you doing?
I'm okaysmiley - smiley, though I was little busy doing calligrapy for tomorrow's lesson(I'm learning Japanese calligraphy). And as I am leaning French, too, and there is one month summer holiday, my French teacher gave me a lot of homework, but I havn't finished yetsmiley - cry

Never mind, I'll try to enjoy talking with my teacher tomorrow smiley - smiley (I'm taking a private lesson of a French language school(Alliance Francaise d'Osaka))

I'll leave my page as 'plaint' at the moment, unless I understand h2g2 much more. I don't think it's not so long, anyway.
And I feel very safe because you are here so that I can contact you whenever I want to chat with or need to help smiley - wow

Well, well have a lovely day smiley - rose

Taamyu smiley - fairy

Hello Manda!

Post 8


I never did calligrapy at school, I wish I did because it looks very nice smiley - smiley

it is good to learn other languages, you can go to other countrys and know what you are saying smiley - winkeye
but it is never nice to have homework smiley - cry

A lot of people leave there page in plain, so that is ok smiley - ok
but when you think you want to change it, then I will be here to help you smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove

Wonderful !

Post 9


>but when you think you want to change it, then I will be here to help you

Thank you, Manda.
I'll rely on you smiley - biggrin.

I agree with you. When we go abroad, we learn, at least greetings, the language, not English(this is Japanese bad habit. Whenever we see Europeans here, we/Japanese first try to speak English to them.smiley - cross)

Well, please keep in toch with me, Manda, you're one of the first people who said hello to mesmiley - biggrin, even you're one of supporters for h2g2 beginners. I'm very happy to read your message.

smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly

See you soonsmiley - rose

Taamyu smiley - fairy

Wonderful !

Post 10


I have to go now for a short time, but I will speak to you soon smiley - ok

manda smiley - peacedove

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