
  Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Peer Review: A87915207 - Believe It or Not, Mr Ripley: Norbert Pearlroth Spent 52 Years in the Library [9]No PostingNov 23, 2018
Peer Review: A87913047 - Margaret Leibovici nee Kelly aka Miss Bluebell - Indomitable Dancer and Impresario [10]No PostingNov 17, 2018
Peer Review: A87913821 - Arts of the Roman Antiquity - naturalism and idealism [26]No PostingNov 17, 2018
Peer Review: A87916981 - Quentin Crisp - Author, Actor, Raconteur [18]No PostingNov 11, 2018
Peer Review: A87913812 - Arts of the Greek Antiquity - better than nature [11]No PostingNov 10, 2018
Peer Review: A87915036 - Ancient Roman Architecture – buildings for the masses [19]No PostingOct 25, 2018
Peer Review: A87911265 - Odonata - Dragonflies, Damselflies and Demoiselles [27]No PostingOct 22, 2018
Peer Review: A87917377 - The Nobel Prize for Literature: Taste and Aftertaste [11]No PostingOct 22, 2018
Peer Review: A87914730 - Ancient Greek Architecture - temples, towns and theatres [15]No PostingOct 18, 2018
Peer Review: A87916062 - Vlad the Devil and the Donauschifffahrtsgesellschaft [16]No PostingOct 18, 2018
Peer Review: A87912778 - The Black Prince's Ruby and some of the Misfortunes that Befell the British Monarchy since its Aquisition [23]No PostingOct 5, 2018
Peer Review: A87917791 - 'The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Radio Show Live' [1]No PostingOct 4, 2018
Peer Review: A87903859 - Khyber's Kilts and Bristols: Sex, Sexism and Stereotyped Women in the 'Carry On' Films [25]No PostingOct 1, 2018
Peer Review: A87915603 - The Venus Novels by Edgar Rice Burroughs [3]No PostingOct 1, 2018
Peer Review: A87912147 - Listed Buildings in England [14]No PostingSep 29, 2018

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ian the sweeper of skies and dream weaver

Researcher U192824

Work Edited by h2g2

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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