This is the Message Centre for ian the sweeper of skies and dream weaver


Post 1

a girl called Ben

Hi Ian

I have just read your entry on gutting a rabbit. My only comment on the entry itself is that I wouldn't use a craft knife myself, because in my experience you need a pointier tip to the blade.

I am not sure if I deserve a co-credit on this one. I feel I do, but on the other hand it is clearly your own work, and you have obviously gutted rabbits yourself more recently than I have. Let me confess to feeling a little peeved not to have been told that you were doing it.

Mind you, let me temper this wingeing by saying that it is late, and I am cranky, and you did reply very courteously to my comments and suggestions. I read your reply at high speed, so I may have missed something there.

They are both good entries, and I hope they make it to the front page soon. And please keep writing! You do it well.

All the best



Post 2

ian the sweeper of skies and dream weaver

Hi Ben,thanks for your kind remarks.Provided a new blade is used a Stanley type craft knife works fine,I don't use one very often as the knife needs washed after use and they're not handy for this,but they work really well.I am grateful you took the time to write,and welcome your comments.take care ianmac.

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