Journal Entries
Posted Apr 27, 2002
I am 21 years old and I live with my husband John (a.k.a Homer Simpson)31, and our two boys, Israel 4 and Leale 2.
I am a pizza delievery driver, dedicating every night of my weekend to working... Although the embarrassment factor is 11/10, I LOVE
driving and you get to meet some very strange people indeed...
Very fun...
I have many interests...Firstly it would have to be Minis (The cars, not the skirt style) interest... more like an obsession. Then following, Music (Hard house) , Body piercing
, Tattoos, Nail varnish... And there is plenty more where they come from...
I may set up a Mini club, where Mini fans can chat about...well...erm... Mini things! Free badges for all those who join...
Well I think thats about it for now...
*Awarding myself a gold for boring people do tears
Coming to 'My Journal' soon...
Vicki taking you though her H.G.V, from the medical, therory test to the driving course and driving test.
Exciting stuff huh!!!
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Latest reply: Apr 27, 2002
Posted Apr 25, 2002
Today is Thing...
I asked the h2g2 community today to help me find other 'mini' fanatics...
I was really impressed with the swift responce form people to help...
Thanking them
Will keep you excited and gripped my my lastest news from this...
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Latest reply: Apr 25, 2002
Posted Apr 22, 2002
Well here goes...
I am sadley not an owner of my own puter
So if you happen to read the page, take interest and all that....then if you are desperate, decide to reply...I may not always be able to reply immediately... so sorry...
Please bear with me
Infact have a while you wait....on the house..
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Latest reply: Apr 22, 2002
The beginning
Posted Apr 16, 2002
As this is my first day on the guide...I thought I should keep things to a minium...
I am still to add things to my user likes and dislikes....
Anyway.... must dash... hope to be adding more real soon...
As you may have noticed I have adopted the ickle sheep icon...I saw it and thought it was so me!
For you all too see
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Latest reply: Apr 16, 2002
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Vicki Chicki - Attempting to be witty and failing...
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