This is the Message Centre for Brian

Neuro Evolution

Post 1


Hi again Brian... Me see's you are starting to write a guide entry on Neuro Evolution A729524 ... it's looking good... you can edit it any time by either going to Most Recent Guide Entries' section on your home page... and clicking on the little edit button beside the entry... or clicking on the link to the page itself... and clicking on the edit button on the right hand side of the screen.

Maybe if you are writing a guide entry about this subject... you should move what you have written on your homepage to your new guide entry... a homepage on h2g2 is traditionally used to introduce yourself to other researchers... you could perhaps change the name to 'Brian's Place'... or something similar... make it more friendly... Neuro Evolution is interesting... me must admit to never thinking about it until me read what you had to say... but... it may not make a welcoming home page...

Me will leave you with these few ideas... don't worry... me is here very often... and any reply... me will pick up on very quickly... me is here to help....

Hugs.. Greebs.. xx

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Neuro Evolution

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