This is the Message Centre for bookbug


Post 1

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

It can´t be easy to be a bookbug.... Hope that you read good books without damaging them.....smiley - cool
I give you a towel that you can dust them with #
and if you want a pillow ¤ -too just visit my space and tell me ,
Have a happy time in h2g2!!!!!smiley - star


Post 2


I do like books(but not eat them!)smiley - ok
/me smiley - bigeyes


Post 3


And thanks for the towelsmiley - ok I`m like this site it is realy smiley - cool
Have you read any good bok?
/bokkbug/me smiley - bigeyes


Post 4

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

Hello again!
I feel sad that none conacts me and so you drop me a line!!!!! that is very nice. Bigsmiley - hug to you!!!! I like you


Post 5


Yes!smiley - ok I now I the bestsmiley - cool.
but! do you read some good book?
I have read some awsom books (like the h2g2).
/me smiley - bigeyes


Post 6

Child of Saunola

smiley - smiley


Post 7

Child of Saunola

Hello from me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
Sorry that noone contact you smiley - sadface
But I do smiley - smiley and bookbug ofcourse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
smiley - rose

Hi,how are you`?

Post 8

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

Thank you for your nice words,what do you think of my Space And journal? I will try to visit yours! smiley - wow a child of some strange planet, come talk to me!smiley - hugsmiley - star Do you need a pillow or a towel????


Post 9


hello! have some one rread a good book?
In that case give me a tip
/me smiley - bigeyes


Post 10

Child of Saunola

A towel would be great...And you would you like a cup of smiley - tea????


Post 11

Child of Saunola

A cotton one, ofcaurse smiley - biggrin
I like your space it´s nice ...Just as freakt out as I like it
smiley - weird

yes ! I have a book

Post 12

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

A book about stars smiley - star that is really neat. have you visited any funny conversations?????

yes ! I have a book

Post 13


Hi Towels and Pillows, You sound like an excellent addition to this sterling group! smiley - smiley I'm only here 2 weeks so I'm new too. smiley - biggrin What do you think so far? Having fun?

yes ! I have a book

Post 14

Child of Saunola

I´m having fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smiley - biggrin

yes ! I have a book

Post 15


Terrific - Don't you just LOVE smilies smiley - smiley? I am totally hooked smiley - yikes. When you're not dispensing kindness smiley - angel, what else do you enjoy doing! smiley - winkeye kk

yes ! I have a book

Post 16

Child of Saunola

I like havind disskussions whit totaly strangers ,and that is whay I love h2g2...!!!!
Look at my space to see my most reasent ones...
Maby you want to joyn???
(not verry good at spelling smiley - erm

yes ! I have a book

Post 17


hey I like smiles to!smiley - coolmany cands of them and they are smart,cool and funny.
(I no good at spelling, like child of saunolasmiley - blush)
But! I`m repeting my question. Do any one read some good book?
and yes I do have viseted some funny entrys.

ps.I not a two freaksmiley - bigeyes.

/ me smiley - bigeyes (smiley - winkeye)

yes ! I have a book

Post 18


I LOVE to read -especially biographies. smiley - smiley Have you read any of the following:"Don't Make Me Stop This Car" by Al Roker, "Babyhood" by Paul Reiser,"I'm Not Really Here" by Tim Allen, "Climbing the Mountain" by Kirk Douglas. All of these are basically light reading. smiley - biggrin Also the books by Regis Philbin are very easy and light. They're little vignettes in the form of diary entries - so if you can only grab a few minutes here and there they make a good choice. Have you tried any of the "Chicken Soup" series? ALL are FAB! Quite inspirational and "Out Of The Blue" is along the same lines. smiley - flyhi I could go on for pages. If you prefer fiction, I can provide you with some titles I've liked. smiley - smiley Have you read anything you can recommend? smiley - starsmiley - star kk

yes ! I have a book

Post 19

Towels&Pillows&the one that tuck you in and say goodnight

hello kittycat! And hello Book bug and child of sa...
I recommend three books The fellowship of the ring,etc. probably already read by you lot!
and also a book by Tove Jansson - The father and the sea
her is some towels for you one for bookbug #
one for kittykat # and one for Child of Sa...#
Be good now and go to bed Nightynight!!!!! tomorrow is another day !!!!smiley - star**********When you wish upon a star....... can you hear me singing......smiley - hug

yes ! I have a book

Post 20


The strands of your lovely voice are caressing the trees outside my window .... entirely enchanting smiley - smiley

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