This is the Message Centre for Mikamy

hi sweetie!!

Post 1


hello again Steve...hope you're doin ok babes.smiley - cuddlesmiley - hugsmiley - smooch
have you found anything on here of interest yet? plz drop me a line sometime.
thanx sweetie!! xxsmiley - kisssmiley - kisssmiley - kiss

Need some pointers!

Post 2


Hiya cocka, still findin my way round this site so need some pointers as 2 where 2 go??? Sometimes click on stuff + get error mssgs or not accessible. Looks like a good site but cant get the best out of it cos am stuck on Telewest, wish I was still on web! Mssg me soon sugarplum + help me out! Mr M xxx

hello babes..xx

Post 3


have u been contacted by an 'ace' yet or 'guru'? smiley - smileyan 'ace' is a assitant community editor,can't remember wot a 'guru' stands for!smiley - smiley
i have probs too with sum aspects on this site.i can't always reply to mssgs. anyway,one little thing:if u
type in the word smiley u get whole page of diff. icons u can smiley - smiley or smiley - hug
you just type the smiley u want inside <&> ie: <???>
if u still get stuck,type in floh..she is an 'ace' and she helped me.altho i'm still working my way
round the site too!if u type in floh it will take u to her 'my space' page,then u can leave her a mssg.
hope u left me a mssg on LD? will b sendin u another piccy soon(if u want it!!) bye for now my little cherub!
hav fun sweetie!xxxsmiley - smoochsmiley - hugsmiley - winkeye

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