This is the Message Centre for Dave-M

Hello again

Post 1


as you can see I have now filled in the introduction how long till someone welcomes me

Hello again

Post 2


Hi smiley - blackcat.4
thanks for your msg smiley - smiley
Have you replied to your welcome yet?
xxxxxxxxxx smiley - biggrin

Hello again

Post 3


Yes I have replied to him and I also said if I had any questions I would ask him as he suggested, and he sent me a msg back saying "that's what I'm here for"
how rude should I send him a msg saying
yeah I know

Hello again

Post 4


Hi Maureen, I wouldn't be rude at all, at least he did reply to you!
Why don't you send a msg to Julia, and ttell her who you are, that would be a nice surprise for her.
Dad. smiley - biggrin

Hello again

Post 5


smiley - smileyI have unsubscribed to the other 1 now but it has not dissapeared, I will send a msg to Julia, I am just going to c if u have replyed to kitty kat yet.
How do u get that black cat that u use I looked on the list but the instuction part was empty on them all I tried writting black cat between the <> but it didn't work.
smiley - cheers

Hello again

Post 6


Hi Maureen,
I hope you have a nice time tonite, when you are out.
hugz and xxxxxx
From Dad. smiley - biggrin

Hello again

Post 7


Thank you I did have a nice time when I was out.
smiley - smiley
see I told you I answer my msgs smiley - biggrin
hugs & xxx's
smiley - blackcat.4

Hello again

Post 8


Hi Maureen smiley - blackcat.4
Question? Why are you're msgs. always so damn short?
Do you get writer's cramp easily? lol. smiley - biggrin
Love from Dad,
smiley - smiley

Hello again

Post 9


ANSWER:... My messages are not always short. Anyway If I ask you anything by the time you get the message I would have seen you and asked you then instead.
I have got 1 or 2 new e-mails but I'm not sending them to you untill you answer this msg, I'm curious to see how long it is till you check in here.
I hope your not in here now cause I can't be bothered sending them now. lol
now I'm just waffeling a lot of crap to make this message longer and did you notice that I'm writting message instead of msg and you instead of u and are instead of r. all this to make you happy. lol
bye bye for now
smiley - blackcat.4
smiley - cuddle

Hello again

Post 10


Just read your msg. Maureen, please send those Emails, please send them RIGHT NOW! lol. smiley - smiley
I send them to you as soon as I get them!
I check in here most days, you should know that!
Lots of love to smiley - blackcat.4
Huge hugz and xxxxxxs smiley - kiss
from Dad. smiley - biggrin

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