This is the Message Centre for The Asbury Park Ranger

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 1


Hi, I'm Kittykat smiley - blackcat another Newbie having enrolled three days ago. I found this site because they closed the Welcome Lounge and a fabulous free spirit, by the name of Pegasus championed my caused and generously guided me here. smiley - smiley How did you arrive? smiley - biggrinsmiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 2

The Asbury Park Ranger

hiya,i've been on this site since febuary but cos i get h2g2 thru my digibox it tends to play up alot.if ya want to see my intro go to advanced search and type ASBURY,then tell me want(or should that be wot) you thinksmiley - biggrin

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 3


Quite illuminating and so very descriptive! smiley - bigeyes I feel as if I've known you forever! smiley - winkeye Are we kindred spirits? smiley - flyhi What's a digibox smiley - doh? smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon Kat

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 4

The Asbury Park Ranger

a bit like a satellite receiver but without a dish,and sometimes its a pain in the ARSE,but its getting better i get to talk to nice people like yousmiley - cool...........right thats the flirting out of the way hehehehe where abouts in the world are ya hiding

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 5


Hi Asbury, smiley - smiley Is that what you liked to be called? Flirting is fun smiley - winkeye! Love it and good for the ego smiley - biggrin. I'm in N.Y.. Currently I'm living upstate but I was born in Manhattan and grew up on Long Island. Where B U ? smiley - laughsmiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 6

The Asbury Park Ranger

you can call me Jaye it is my name,the Asbury title comes from my love of Springsteen but only in the musial sense he really doesn't do anything for me visually hehehesmiley - smileyAs for me i live in a crummy place called Letchworth Garden City in England.Im about 30 miles north of London.I used to live in Lewisham,London 17 years agosmiley - cooloh boy i feel quite old when i say it like thatsmiley - cry

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 7


Hi Jaye - I like the spelling of your name - quite unique! smiley - smiley Chronological age is totally irrelevant - the way you live is everything smiley - biggrin!! I have some friends who are definitely senior - he is 91 and she is 87! They are full of life, outrageously funny smiley - laugh and I'm trying to hook them up ( they both have lost their spouses) smiley - winkeye But the gentleman keeps putting moves on me smiley - yikes and writes me love poems! smiley - wow At Christmas he informed me that he was going to purchase mistletoe, honey and glue. He would apply a mixture of the glue and honey to his lips, capture me under the mistletoe and plant a big one smiley - laughsmiley - bigeyes !! The honey would make me think he was sweet and delicious and the glue would keep me there!! smiley - laughsmiley - laughsmiley - laugh AND HE MEANT IT ! smiley - wow So when you're not chatting with us folks in N.Y. how do you spend your days? smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 8

The Asbury Park Ranger

there has just been a news flash the Queen Mother has died

So, Like, Uh, WHY are you here?

Post 9


Yes I picked it up on msnbc instant news. smiley - sadface How did the British people view her? Or, more importantly, what was your opinion? I had always heard that she was quite well-loved. smiley - magicsmiley - fullmoon KAT

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