This is the Message Centre for eska
Bonjour and Welcome
Whisky Started conversation Mar 26, 2002
Hi, welcome to H2G2,
Just a quick note to say hello, I'm one of a group of researchers who have volunteered to help new researchers, we're called ACEs (if you're interested).
Anyway, have fun looking around the site, if you need a hand with anything, just press 'reply' at the bottom of this post and I'll get back to you...
In the meantime, a good place to get started is the <./>DontPanic-Tour</.> which'll show you some of the sights....
By the way, I noticed from your post to the Irish Researcher's Club that you're in France.... So am I, but I'm English (not my fault - blame my Parents) and that you're looking for somewhere to stay in Ireland....
Have you had a look at [broken link removed by moderator]
That's the official site for the Irish Youth Hostel organisation, if you click on 'Accommodation' you should be able to find something for the short term in Cork, at least that should give you a roof over your head whilst looking for somehting a little more permanent.
Oh, and by the way, if you want to know how to do all these wonderful smileys , just click on any one of them and it'll
take you straight to a page explaining everything...
a bientot
I appreciate that...
eska Posted Mar 27, 2002
Thanks for the feedback, whisky !
Your link has been removed, but I already knew some Youth Hostel websites anyway. BTW, I live in France but I'm American (not my fault, blame my parents ). I've been reading the guide for awhile, and decided to join in the fun (I was going to join the procrastinator's society, but I guess I'll do that tomorrow).
Well... gotta go now. See ya all !
I appreciate that...
Whisky Posted Mar 27, 2002
Oh, and let's try that link again...
(please note moderators, this link worked some ten seconds ago so please don't remove it just cos their servers are a little slow)
ouf !
eska Posted Mar 27, 2002
Right. It works this time. I've bookmarked it in case it gets edited out again, and will check it out this afternoon, thanks !
I live in the Yvelines, and drive (well, ride actually) to Orsay every day to study. That's in the Île-de-France in case you didn't know
ouf !
Whisky Posted Apr 8, 2002
OMG, that's far too close to Paris for my liking
(Just joking - I've lived in Lyon for the last six years, in which time i seem to have caught the Lyonnais disease - a pathological hatred of all things from Paris)
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Bonjour and Welcome
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