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6 months!

Post 1


Blimey, times goes fast sometimes! Its now 6 months a certain person smiley - loveblush has put up with me n my loony ways n ways it seems longer , n i guess it is with all the hesitation there was on both sides to start with, n in other ways seems like yesterday!We're completely hazy as to when to start from for anniversarys n stuff..but have kind of decided tomake tomorrow 6 months officialy..its as good a day any! Its a bit odd how we came to that though! I'd always kind of considered the 18th of march as thats when I first went over to swansea to visit, but hes always thought earlier! So anyway, after our lovely few days last week n visiting his parents n whatnot i was in a real sulk at being on my own for a week or two, which then started to look like it would be longer for various reasons i took the wrong way smiley - blush while i was upset i got to thinking about how it wouldve been nice to do something thursday as to me that was 5 months!but my para head that was sulky, says you sure its not 6 ,make it 6 it sounds better and id have more reason to be pised off then!
So i asked ask what i should send if anything for a halfiversary, ged saw it, felt guikty for forgeting when he didnt know that was the date id decided anyway, so we chatted for ages, i felt guilty for making him feel guilty ec but we decided tomorrow was as good a day as any..ieven if i did come to it through sulky exaggeration and were going out for a meal smiley - loveblush
just been n bought a soppy card too smiley - blush

6 months!

Post 2


smiley - cuddlesmiley - smoochsmiley - loveblushsmiley - smoochsmiley - blush

6 months!

Post 3

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

buy him 50% cotton socks and give only one sock.
one year aniversary is cotton! smiley - winkeye

I saw your askh2g2

6 months!

Post 4


Half a cotton bud thats been in my ear it is then smiley - tongueout

No i was thinking of sending Ged n josh into the toyshop next door for a look while i nip into thorntons tomorrow for a choccy plaque unless hed prefer a book or something.

6 months!

Post 5


smiley - tongueout

6 months!

Post 6


Had a nice day yesterday..well we made the best of it with the circumstances with my nanny smiley - smiley had a meal in a pub in croydon , swappped cards and then went off in search of a birthday pressie for geds mum n one for my brother.git each other a little somehing on the way back too, stopped in a my bros, goyt home, had some tea the hamster escaped, fell aslep watching bubba ho-tep smiley - rofl and finally found the sodding hammster at 3 in the morning under the hotwater pipes in my bedroom cupboard! smiley - doh

6 months!

Post 7

aka Bel - A87832164

Glad you enjoyed your day out - six months - does it feel like an etarnity ? wait till you can look back on 23 years then smiley - laugh

6 months!

Post 8


It feels more like 5 mins in some ways ..smiley - smiley

6 months!

Post 9

aka Bel - A87832164

Well, that's good then, keeps it fresh smiley - winkeye

6 months!

Post 10


we're in it for the long haul i think smiley - loveblush

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